[@alexfangtalon][hider=feedback] To start off I suggest you add some weight as it is a little bit too "normal" for a guy who's supposed to be training all the time and be at "peak physical condition". I would like to see more info on the clan, their background, the background of the KG... Of course the background for the character as well. More backstory, please. Also, how does the character know about the structure of the Hyuuga clan? Burning flames. So he's kind of a momentum-based berserker? Katon: Hi Sunēku Justu (Fire Release : Fire Snake Jutsu) This thing has me puzzled for a number of reasons. First, I would liken it to Kakashi's lightning wolf-thing instead of the water dragon (based on the description you gave for how the technique works). Which is a technique based on Raikiri (S-rank). So the rank is a bit low at B, I realise that you've probably built it on the water dragon that is C-rank. I would actually set this at A-rank at least, and probably S-rank. As you write, it takes extreme control to use it. Also, this is your only katon-technique. And it is B-rank (at least chuunin-level). You need to build up proficiency in the relevant skills to be able to pull of something like that. I must insist that you get at least one katon-technique that can serve as a parent to this technique. Burning blade. Like Bishop said, this should be in ninjutsu. Basically when it comes to these hybrids I look at where the focus lies. On the taijutsu or the ninjutsu. In this case the fire chakra in the blade and the chakra-enhanced legs seems to do all the work. Compared to another hybrid (Hyuuga's Jyuuken-style) that has the fighting as focus and the chakra-stuff as backup this is a pretty clear case. Also the rank is a bit screwed. Again I reference a lightning technique, but one that only does half of this technique. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_of_Kusanagi:_Chidori_Katana]Chidori katana[/url]. This is B-rank. How much fire in the blade are we talking about by the way? Flames? Simply hot? Red-hot? white-hot? They all affect the cutting ability of the sword greatly depending on what it is that's being cut.[/hider] Anyway, that's all I have time for right now, I'll get to the rest later.