Tajjus continued his procedures, letting perhaps a few hours tick by easily—all the while creating strange smelling samples of things. He himself was careful not to touch the substances too much. At last, Tajjus had two different kinds of contraptions, each ready for an individual. He would wrap the first, the most terrible smelling, amongst any unknowing orcs, who, as they were either sleeping on guard duty, or too honed in on their target, were oblivious to his arrival and exit. Tajjus fingered the last second kinds of samples of sap and brush, before he would make his way as close to the house as he could unseen. The sound of the door gently shutting would tell Tajjus that a new guest had entered the house. Logic told the warrior that he would need to be cautious. Tajjus would remain where he was, and slowly he would unravel on of his smaller blades from his gauntlet. As he knelt in the darkness; a vessel undetected, he would send the small blade flying into the insides of the house, towards what Tajjus reckoned was a hallway. The knife had a boomerang effect, and it would be sent flying into the house, whistling lightly through the wind, towards the place that the stranger may have roamed.