[center][h3]Newjinsland Central Square[/h3] [sub]TREMORS![/sub][/center] The Krunklets continued to increase in number, 400 to 1000 to 1500, there were far too many and they were coming from almost NOWHERE! Jenso was surrounded by ten Krunklets, all of whom pulled their arms and legs into their round armor, lowered their head, and rolled towards him from all directions like an army of sentient boulders, the little spikes on their helmet tearing up the ground as they did so. Ainra was like-wise swarmed, but instead of simply rolling, the Krunklets bounced to gain air, attempting to strike from above! Before she could react, a Krunklet struck her in the head, knocking her out prematurely, while the others tied her up and put her in a fire-proof sack. Even Reiley was subdued promptly, giving the civilians little to defend themselves with. Dr. Krink laughed aloud and rose his stubby little hands in excitement. "Perfect! I'll alert the Krunk-o-trons to come ascertain these specimens post-haste!" He announced, pulled a small radio out of his armor as if he were magic! That's the power of hammer-space, ladies and gentlemen. Reiley might've felt something moving underneath her as she sat motionless in the crowd. It was a few subtle quakes, the dirt moving like it was being torn apart. Eventually, it completely fell apart, and she sunk into the ground, which closed up behind her once again, as quickly as it swallowed her up. A small hairy man started to shake her, trying to wake her up. "Miss, miss? Wake up, miss!" he urged. The little mole-man turned around and said something into the tunnels behind him, something that only sounded like rodent-chattering, before returning to Reiley's aid. "Miss, wake up! We're here to save you!" Before long, Ainra was also pulled into the soft dirt, and soon Jenso would feel the same shifting beneath him, if he continued to show his prowess.