[quote=@HalfOfLancelot] Joining McHaggis' RPs you'll find out quick that everything is pretty gay. Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty gay. A lot of LGBT -- [b]a lot.[/b] A beyond abundant amount. Beyond. So much queer. We take all the bi-erasure in media and just jam pack all the 'shoulda beens.' [/quote] tbh i dont think ive made a straight character since coming back to the site. id rather not limit my options when there are so many good characters to befriend and romance >;3c edit: [b]im claiming jack falahee fair warninG[/b] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/f97f866deedbd99dc7fe12121b4a3c52/tumblr_ndxhg0BXAI1qe0fxmo1_500.gif[/img]