(I really love this idea and I'm really excited that I can be a part of it at its starting point ^-^) Character: Lucas Description: A man in his teens, with experience that lies mostly in archery and small (but flashy) blades. He sports a full head of hair that goes down to his shoulders, deep green eyes, a somewhat muscular build, and slightly pointed ears. While he may look like nothing much, his speed is not something to be trifled with, and his accuracy with a bow is legendary! A lover of drinks, (although he has a low tolerance), he's gained a great deal of experience with melee combat in many a tavern. A great deal of speculation lies as to where Lucas got his scar - a deep, red slash across the side of his face - but he can't even remember at this point. Combat Style: Lucas prefers to keep his enemies at a distance, picking them off one by one with his arrows as he darts through cover, and can rarely be seen at the beginning of a fight. Once the fight truly begins, though, he drops all ideas of stealth, jumping out from the bushes and taking care of business with his dual-wielded daggers, utilizing quick thrusts at the most vulnerable places in the enemy's body. Magic is not one of the Ranger's strong suits, but at times of dire need he can summon a quick blast of energy, throwing down everything in a five-meter radius. Personality: Lucas is anything but a lone wolf. Very sociable, he loves having people want him around. While he tends to be a bit obnoxious, he makes up for it with his clever witticisms and riddles. His mood can be a little volatile. It isn't like him to stay shut out from the party for long periods of time, but when he does it's just best not to question it. There's really not much else for me to say! As time goes on I would love to get more in-depth with my character and its backstory, but really this is just an introduction of myself to the game. Thanks for making such a cool thing!