Rolf was not sure what to make of several things in succession. First the charms, he didn't recognize them. Were they a primitive form of heraldry? Or were they some mystical nonsense? Possibly both, the tent might need to be burned, depending on the man(?) who sat in front of it, who was the second thing that gave the knight pause. The third was the mask that the figure wore, but Rolf checked his courtesies and realized he was also covering his face. The last strange thing, was that the man seemed to think Rolf was someone or something else entirely. Sir Rolf leaned his greatsword against one shoulder while his left hand undid the fastener on this helmet and he took it off to reveal his haggard face underneath. "I am not who or what you think, good, er, fellow. I am a knight of Raech, in fact. Sir Rolf Ashfoot, of Attenborough. Would you do me the courtesy of giving me your name, and showing me your face? Though I am not who you think, I may consider whatever request you ask of me, if the cause is just."