[quote=@Bishop] [@Halvtand] Ok, we'll say that he learned the technique on the scroll practicing with Hiroshi, only the 2 of them. And about the temp. control, I'll say that it doesn't effect any kind of water except the one produced by his jutsus. Seem fair? Now I can't throw someone in the lake and freeze/boil the sh*t out of them XD(or just freeze/boil their blood...) And the temp. can be controlled by the user at the start of the jutsu and every time he gets into contact with his water/steam/ice he can change it.***If it is a small amount of water(glass size) he can change it's temp from longer ranges(some feet away)*** And needless to say the more water he changes the temp. of the more chakra he uses. he So where does this technique classify? (E/D/C/B etc.) Edit: I could remove the ice/steam part if it seems too op and make it hellishly hot and ...hellishly cold?(you know, many people view hell with different properties) [/quote] Sorry for not dealing with you earlier, it has been a hectic day. I think this is very reasonable. I would like it if you removed ice and steam as "forms" or whatever, as that is pretty firmly KG-territory. But throwing 0 or 100 degree (c) water on someone will cause panic and chaos enough I think :) Classification on a technique like this is a bitch, but I think I'd like to put it down for C or B as it is quite lethal if used right. Of course most of the deadliness depends on which technique it is used with... What do you think? [quote=@Hillan] Too late for a seasoned Naruto-Vet to jump in and get [i]accept[/i]ed? [/quote] Not late at all. Jump as much as you want. Also, feedback: [hider=dude] Renedo, sounds more Spanish than Japanese, is this by intention? Background: Being frozen - Obvious Aang/cpn America-reference aside. It works, it gives a plausible excuse to your character not knowing anything about the world and you've provided us with drawbacks from this event, so I have to say that this is good. Thawed and brought to Gobi. I don't know if this is some kind of error done by typing to fast or the made up geography being too confusing (Wouldn't be the first time), but Kumo is actually quite far from Gobi, Konoha is actually closer I believe, as is Iwa I think. It's a small nitpick, and it can be easily fixed, but it kind of stuck in my head. Also, if he was close to any of these villages, or any other village for that matter, wouldn't they bring him there? Sure, ninja doctor > muggle doctor, but muggle doctor > no doctor. There and back again: I'm having a hard time with this. Sure everyone is gone and stuff, but why wouldn't he stay with what little family he had? Why would he leave them? You wrote earlier "When the world was savage, hard. When all you had to count on was your brothers - his fellow Uchiha." And now suddenly he's like "meh" and leaves? Not only that, it is quite a trip, the tunnel to get into/out of Gobi takes a day, and that's the only "safe" place between Gobi and Konoha. Today. This is where things starts to get iffy. From what you've written I don't get the feeling that your character is connected to or concerned for the village or its people. Leaving the village, which is supposed to be a big, scary step into the unknown, feels like a it's more of a weekend trip for this character. He's not really leaving anything, while the others are leaving (literally) everything. In the personality you even say that "He is dreaming back to the life he left". I mean, he doesn't even want to be here. Traits: A decade of xp - This is pretty much exactly what we did not want the characters to have. It is the whole sheltered life/no exp/into the unknown-thing that is the base for the theme of this game. I'm sorry, but this is one that I really have to put my foot down on. Allowing this would change the setting too much. A wider understanding of the world - albeit an aged one. Same thing again. Imagine the kind of advantage this give the character over the others. He knows about real battle, he can think on his feet, he can analyse jutsus, he has fought other ninjas in life or death scenarios. Only one of the other characters have been close to that and he was a child at the moment, and he's now chased by hunter-nins for it. The others? We don't really know if they've ever fought another ninja outside the sparring-ring. I'm sorry, it's just upsetting the balance of power too much. PTSD - Yeah, this is a result of the experience. The rest is fine, and I like how you turn his time as an ice cube into a real thing for the character. Jutsus: "He is able to use the tree climbing and water running techniques - techniques he learned after being thawed out." Why wouldn't he learn this before? I mean, from the background we can infer that he was thawed out fairly recently (or at least not too long ago) and that pretty much all his knowledge (including jutsus) are from before the ice age. That would mean that he's managed to learn four regular jutsus (up to B-rank) before he learned to control his chakra well enough to stick his feet to a wall? Um... Great fireball technique - Yeah, Uchiha, it's like your ID-card. Great fire things - I'm not sure about these. I mean, these were used in the canon by a fairly heavy dude that did not screw around. Reading the description I cannot fathom how one of these are supposed to be B-rank. Not when the description states "requiring the combined efforts of several Water Release users in order to extinguish the flames." That doesn't sound like a technique that Chuunin are supposed to know. That sounds like an S-rank or at least A to me. Anyway, I am not sure about these. Genjutsu: Genjutsu; Sharingan. - Ok? Smokescreen is good, but isn't Asuma's smoke-technique awfully similar? [quote=@Hillan] I think Aro has quite a lot of techniques compared to his peers, but it makes sense for someone trained in such a different age to have a little more skill and jutsu under their belt, while talking plenty of time to getting readjusting to the world. On that subject, I am considering changing how long since he Captain America'd; so he might've been thawed only, say, a year or six months. [/quote] Very true, it would make sense. This character should be a lot stronger and capable than our current crew with this kind of backstory. Sadly, I think that is just the problem. This character was originally made for another game, right? I just feel that this character is supposed to be something that this setting can't quite handle, this character left the level that our characters are on very early in his life, and even considering the fact that he has some drawbacks from his time in the ice, he's going to leave those behind quite quickly once he can really let loose. Please note that all of this is just based on the character as a basic ninja. I haven't even talked about what the Sharingan can do for the balance of power. [/hider] [quote=@FantasyChic] I messaged Halvtand with a question, but other than that I should be able to crank out a sheet later today, since I finally have a day off work [/quote] I have seen it and I'm getting to it once I'm done here. Hopefully you understand, being a GM isn't easy. :)