[color=fff79a][h3][center]~Senna~[/center][/h3][/color] Senna turned to face Clay, giving him a very harsh glare. She had stumbled a bit when he had tossed her behind him, making it quite clear she was feeling the effects of the alcohol even if she wouldn't like to admit it. Still, like she needed his protection. Or anyone's for that matter. It was obvious she wasn't having any of his protests at the moment. If he had made an offer like that before they had gotten out into the forest, she would have said yes. Now though? She was going after that werewolf, and there was nothing he could say to stop her at the moment. [color=fff79a]"Out of the way, Clay."[/color] She snarled, roughly shoving past him. [color=fff79a]"I'm going hunting. I don't care what you say, I'm not going to die. I'm not going to wait on the slowpokes who sit around on their asses."[/color] Despite her words, she did seem to hesitate for a moment, turning to face Clay once again, though she didn't say anything and merely looked like she was debating it. That is, until a scream from deeper in the woods caught her ears. This had bad news written all over it. She could smell a trap here, and her instincts were telling her to be careful, but damn it...whoever screamed was going to probably get eaten by a werewolf. And she wasn't going to sit around and wait for that to happen. [color=fff79a]"A hunter hunts, Clay, whether they're alone or have some teammates with 'em. That's what we do."[/color] She calmly, almost somberly replied as she grabbed her axe from it's sheathe. [color=fff79a]"I even made an oath that I'd hunt to protect others...I'm not gonna sit around and wait for werewolves to attack someone."[/color] She turned around, towards the direction of the scream. [color=fff79a]"I'm going to hunt them, before they can."[/color] Without another word, Senna sprinted off in the direct of where the scream came from, not bothering to hear any protests from Clay or anyone else that might be trying to stop her. It didn't take her long to find the area where the scream came from, but it took her some time to find its owner in the darkness. Damn it, now she wished she had a torch or something. Could be fun to burn the beasts if she could. At least the werewolves hadn't attacked her on her way here. That was odd itself, but she didn't pay it much attention. It was a bad idea to be sure, but she wasn't going to just turn back now. After a bit of searching, she found the owner of the scream - two small girls huddled together near a tree. Both looked absolutely terrified, and they had every reason to be. As soon as the black clad hunter approached, she could feel something breathing down her neck. Such an action would probably cause fear in someone else, but Senna? she didn't feel such a thing. It was using the girls to lure them out, then? Well. Unfortunately for whatever werewolf was smart enough to lay such a trap, she wasn't going to be such an easy target. The werewolf behind her lashed out with one of it's claws, she matched his blow with one of her own from her axe, the blade of it slamming right into his claw as hard as she could. Unfortunately, aside from the silver inside of the blade burning the beasts skin, it did absolutely nothing. In fact...the beast was [i]laughing.[/i] A cruel, guttural laugh as he reached out with his other claw, wrapping it around her before she could react, and tossed the hunter carelessly a few feet away. She landed on her stomach, axe still firmly in hand as she looked up at the beast. And it was goddamn massive. Easily at least nine feet tall. A small grin formed on her lips beneath her mask. This, was going to be quite the hunt tonight, wasn't it? [@Ellion][@Aerandir] (dunno who's all there, but eh xP)