I do believe I am done with my character. Let me know if there is any inconsistencies or if anything seems wrong. That goes for all of you; I want to hear what you all have to say about her. Also, I have made a deal with Halvtand that if I don't fall in love with this character over the first few posts (I'm thinking somewhere between 5-10), I'll scrap her and go back to my Haruka. This is mostly because I can't really play a character I'm not in love with and I'd eventually stop posting and kill this whole darn roleplay singlehandedly - I've done it before >.> [@Halvtand] I didn't rewrite the Background. I'm going to let it suck. I just don't feel like I could do a whole much better even if I tried, so I'm not going to waste my energy on trying. I'd rather save it for some amazing posts so that I can fall totally and deeply in love with my little puritan. The babies would be so adorable. [hider=The Puritan Ninja] [b][u]General Info[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Hisokana, Sawaru ひそかな, 触る [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Waru 悪 (Evil) [b]Gender:[/b] Female ♀ [b]Age:[/b] Nineteen year of age (19) [b]Age Appearance:[/b] Twenty-one (21) [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual -====- [b][u]Loyalty[/u][/b] [b]Village:[/b] Gobigakure no Sato – Village Hidden at the End [b]Birthplace:[/b] In a hastily raised tent somewhere [b]Organization:[/b] The Hisokana Clan -====- [b][u]Ninja Information[/u][/b] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] The name Hisokana once brought terror to the ones that heard the name, but their reputation as cold-blooded killers for hire has long since died out, along with any other tales that were once told of the clan. Hisokana made their reputation by the skill of their bodies and sharpness of their blades in a time before chakra manipulation became the standard tool for ninjas. In the harsh landscape of Tetsu no Kuni they tempered their bodies and perfected their techniques, mixed poisons and crafted deadly ninja tools. They fought on equal ground against both samurai and ninjas, even long after both had adapted their techniques to the mysterious power of the living force. In the eyes of the Hisokana, they had taken the easy way. When the other clans made their decision of which village they wanted to join, the Hisokana clan decided that they wanted nothing to do with these new alliances and broke off from everything that the new ninja organsations identified with and became nomads. They believed that they were retaining the original way of the ninja, before the dawn of chakra and techniques, back to the basics when stealth and skill were all a ninja had to prove themselves against the samurai's mastery of the sword and armor. They travelled from place to place, land to land, town to town. Never staying in the same spot for more than a few weeks at most, taking missions from wealthy families that would only pay for the best. It was not long before they were known to be killers for hire, rather than nomad ninja and they traveled for the missions, more than took missions where they traveled. To distance themselves even further from the rest of the world, using ninja techniques became a crime punishable by death. [b]Rank:[/b] Genin [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] N/A -====- [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=Image] [img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/MyStyle%201_zpsjzraselp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] With her narrow joins and basically fat-free frame, it is no tough task to guess that Sawaru has and ectomorphic body type. She can eat like a grown man and still not gain a pound. It also means she has next to no feminine curves and leaves her body in a quite rectangular shape, which she is less than thrilled about. [b]Height:[/b] 5'6” / 168cm [b]Weight:[/b] 115lbs / 52kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] Magenta. [b]Hair Style:[/b] The majority of her hair is long, with the bangs cut short just above her eyes. It is usually styled in either a high ponytail or a bun with a strand of long hair hanging loose on either side of her face. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Golden yellow. [b]Clothing:[/b] Light brown, bandage-like fabric is wrapped around her form from her breast and down to just above her knee on each leg. She wears a black wrap for a skirt and a tall- and broad-necked, loose-fitting top with an oval hole at the front. Her shoes are standard ninja boots, in black. She wears a black fishnet wrap around each knee and a black sweatband around each elbow. -====- [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] The tale of Sawaru's life, began on a late afternoon in the early fall. The sun was just beginning its descend towards the horizon and the Hisokana clan was on the move. Some sat on the strong backs of tired steeds or on wagons dragged by such, while others walked on their own, sore legs. Hitomi, the woman that was soon to be the mother of a small girl, sat in a wagon with her partner guiding the horse. The huge bump on her belly made it very obvious that she was to give birth at any moment. She had no idea that by the time the sun would rise again, she would be a mother. Sawaru was born in the middle of the night, in a hastily raised tent some distance away from the clan camp, so that neither her mother's, nor her own screams would bother their clansmen. Her mother had lost a lot of blood and needed rest, so she spent the first couple of hours of her life with her father. She was fed with a protein-rich plant juice mixed with goat milk. The first few years of her life were boring and nothing worth mentioning happened. They merely traveled from one place to another and every time they stopped somewhere, they left just as it had begun feeling like home. Sawaru never made a single friend her own age, but even her most distant relative was like an uncle to her; the bond between clansmen were tight and there was no need for formalities. Everyone were called by their first name. Even her own parents were no closer to her than the lady that she had no actual relation to, aside from sharing a last name. The interesting part of her life began when she was around five years old. They had made camp somewhere outside of one of the greater villages. She had dared to venture away from the campsite to find some fresh water to bathe in and followed a small stream into a thick forest. She ducked down low when she heard gleeful laughter coming from the direction she was heading. Sneaking along the forest floor like a cat stalking her prey, Sawaru observed the children that were playing in the lake she had reached. They appeared to be a few years older than she was, but what they were doing baffled her beyond her wildest imaginations. One of the boys was walking on the surface of the water. The others just cheered him on as he wobbled uncertainly across the liquid's wavy surface, as if it was completely normal to do such a thing. They all howled in laughter when he suddenly broke through and a loud splash marked his failure in staying on his feet. Sawaru forgot all about her bath and hurried back to tell her mother of what she had seen. “What you saw was bad,” her mother told her with a serious tone and she never did elaborate on why it was bad. Everywhere they went, Sawaru began searching for these remarkable feats that people were able to do. Some breathed great balls of fire while others raised walls of stone out of the ground. She was astounded with the skills that these people possessed, but she was also terrified. “Those people who do those things call themselves ninja,” her grandfather told her one day, “They use chakra, the life force that flows through us, and manipulate it into inhuman things. We were never supposed to use our life force like that. Others are even worse, using the life force of the nature around them.” By the time Sawaru was 12 years old, the world was raging war. She and her clan did their best to stay away from the fighting, but nowhere was ever completely safe. Other children her age were being sent to the battlefront, while she and the rest of her clan fled like cowards. When Sawaru was 14, there was a scuffle between the elders of the clan and some of the younger members. A rather large group of the younger members was caught performing ninjutsu. Sawaru had been watching them, but never participating. Since the practice had been forbidden and the punishment for breaking the ban was death, the younger members were not very interested in letting their detector go and rat them out to the elders. Struck by panic and the lack of a better plan, one of the youngsters used a fire technique to rid them of their uninvited guest, also accidentally setting the forest around them on fire. Not knowing what else to do, the group fled from the settlement and left Sawaru little choice but to follow them. During the next year or so, Sawaru and the group of other young Hisokana moved around a lot. Rather than make settlements outside of smaller villages, like the clan had before, this new group actually went inside the villages. They went to as large and as many villages as they were allowed in and everywhere they went, some decided to stay. Sawaru never felt quite comfortable being in those large ninja villages and kept traveling in hopes of finding a village that soothed her better. The group was reduced to five when they finally reached Gobigakure no Sato, which Sawaru found to be an idyllic place for her. It was the perfect place for her to practice her ninjutsu, while not feeling pressured into using more than she was comfortable with. She wound up staying, while the four others left. During her stay in Gobi, Sawaru has learned to feel pride when telling people of her clan, rather than feel like it is something she should be ashamed of. [b]Today:[/b] Even after 4 years in Gobi, Sawaru never made it past the simple rank of genin, as she refuses to learn anything more than the basic techniques. She is proud of herself for standing by the Hisokana way of life, but feels like the isolated nature of Gobigakure is just as stifling as the rules of her clan were before. [b]Personality:[/b] Sawaru is the type of person who always knows what to say or do, even in the most tight situations. She always manages to stay cool and keep her head clear, even in situations that would be panic-inducing to most. Her way with words, strong empathy and disability to have a full conversation without at least some innuendo and/or flirtatious remarks in it usually have people considering her rather slick. She calls herself “diplomatic”, though, and refuses to be doing any of these things on purpose. Gaining friends is quite difficult for her, as forming bonds require more than just listening and replying, but sharing as well. It is a two way street and she is not ready to give. -====- [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] [list] [*]”Traditional Ninja” [indent]All members of the Hisokana clan are brought up to believe that the use of chakra is unnatural and wrong. They are taught a more traditional skill-set that gives them what they need to call themselves ninja, without tainting their purity with the manipulation of heir life forces.[/indent] [*]”Diplomat” [indent]One should never underestimate the power of the tongue and Sawaru knows just how to twist hers. She knows when to talk, she knows when to walk and she knows when to flirt her ass off.[/indent] [*]Stealthy [indent]Trained in the skills of “traditional ninja arts” from a very young age, Sawaru knows how to move without making a sound. Stealth is the main skill of a “true” ninja; especially when facing the impure.[/indent] [*]Herbalist [indent]Those of the Hisokana clan are taught the properties of the plants they find along their travels. They excel in the brewing of poisons, but are just as good at making antidotes. They know which plants you can eat to heal faster and which you can use to put someone down.[/indent] [*]Botanist [indent]Sawaru has extended her clan-taught knowledge of plants from just those with properties they found useful, to all plants and flowers. She can tell you the name and how to care for pretty much any flower she has ever encountered or read about. She adores flowers and will often decorate her home with freshly picked bouquets and potted plants. It is also not unusual to find her with some sort of flower in her hair.[/indent] [*]Easily Impressed [indent]Having lived a rather sheltered life, Sawaru tends to get easily impressed by things other people find natural and/or ordinary. Every time she sees a new technique, she will fawn at the greatness of it. TVs still baffle her, even after four years in Gobi.[/indent] [*]Animal Lover [indent]Anything from cute and fluffy to gross and slimy; if it's an animal that will allow her near it, Sawaru will cuddle it.[/indent] [*]Basics Expert [indent]Although she is nowhere near an expert at anything, Sawaru does aim to perfect the few techniques she already knows. She does not plan to learn any more techniques, but simply get better at the ones she does know.[/indent] [*] [indent][/indent] [/list] -====- [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [*]Ninja Pouch [indent]All ninja should wear one. Sawaru has hers strapped to the back of her skirt. Inside, she carries a small vial of a very potent antidote that cures most types of natural states of poisoning, a roll of bandage, a bottle of rubbing alcohol as well as a flask of water, a couple of nutrition bars, a travel set of ink and pen and a small notebook in format A6.[/indent] [*]Weapon Holster [indent]Even more so than the Ninja Pouch, every ninja should have one of these. Sawaru has her strapped to her right thigh, beneath her wrap-skirt. The holster is made to carry five kunai, eight shuriken, six senbon and four makibishi. Sawaru usually keeps it fully stocked before leaving home.[/indent] [*]Boot Knife [indent]Sown onto the inside of each of her boots, Sawaru was a small holster that can contain one kunai each. The holsters are padded for her comfort and not visible from the outside.[/indent] [/list] -====- [b][u]Jutsu:[/u][/b] [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] [hider=Ninjutsu:] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]General Skill[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]E-rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]The user can change their appearance to match that of another person, an animal or even an object to confuse and/or lead their opponent astray.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]This technique is considered the hardest E-rank technique, as it takes constant concentration and chakra use.[/i] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique)[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]General Skill[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]E-Rank.[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] --- [u]Name:[/u] [i]Ki Nobori no Shugyou (Tree Climbing Practice) Suimen Hokou no Gyou (Water Walking Practice)[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]General Skill[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]D-rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]These two exercises are meant to enhance the users chakra concentration and control. The Tree Climbing Practice allows the user to “glue” themselves to even surfaces in order to walk up vertical walls or stand upside-down on ceilings. The Water Walking Practice allows the user to walk on the surface of water by constantly changing the flow of chakra to fit the movement of the water.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]Both techniques take concentration and control; use too much chakra and you will break the surface, too little and you won't stick.[/i] [/hider] [b]Taijutsu:[/b] N/A [hider=Genjutsu:] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]General Skill[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]E-rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]The user can create one or several illusions of themselves to confuse and/or lead their opponent astray[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]This technique can easily be discerned by any doujustu user and an experience ninja know that the illusions do not cast shadows or disrupt the environment.[/i] [/hider] [/hider]