[quote=@The Mad Hatter] Renegeedo is the Japanese way of saying the English word Renegade. They basically just ad "o" to the end of a word when speaking an English word in the middle of a Japanese sentence. The Japanese word for renegade is Haikyou. Even Ronin is more appropriate for the setting. Renendo is a Spanish last name. And a town, I believe. Halvtand is refining the rest of our discussion about your character, so he'll post that when he's ready. [/quote] Fair enough, I used a Romaji site to translate the name. I don't particularly care about the name, he just couldn't go with Uchiha anymore, haha. Edit: I misinterpreted what Halvtand said regarding the Today part. I took it as a "Leaving everything behind for Gobi" Not "Leaving everything behind in Gobi before heading out into the world" So I should probably give a response to that, too. I imagine if Aro had been thawed for, say, one year, most of which was spent rehabilitating and taking a quick travel to Konoha, before returning to continue his rehabilitation, he hasn't really seen anything of the new world. The village is all he's come to know, and really all he's safe in. Again, to bring it back to Captain America references - There was a reason that Shield kept him in a simulated 1940's. Aro never got that luxury of a soft welcoming back into the world, he has no safety net and the only place he feels like he can be safe in, the only place he knows is Gobi, as Konoha, not to mention any of the other villages are all too foreign to him, too changed.