[hider=Maggie Spencer-Adeyemi][center][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/EsmeTyler/maggie_zps8xxivt8v.jpg[/img] [h1][color=BDB76B][b]Margaret 'Maggie' Spencer-Adeyemi[/b] [sup][b]Witch[/b][/sup][/color][/h1] [/center][hr][center][h2][color=BDB76B][u]Basic Information[/u][/color][/h2][/center] [color=BDB76B][b]| Name |[/b][/color] [indent]Maggie Spencer-Adeyemi[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Date of Birth |[/b][/color] [indent]April 14th 1999[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Gender |[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Sexuality |[/b][/color] [indent]Gay[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Occupation |[/b][/color] [indent]Undergraduate Student in Natural Sciences at University College London | Part-timer at a cafe/plant nursery 'Windowbox' in Brixton[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| In-Depth Appearance |[/b][/color] [indent]Dressed with a quiet grace and unassuming presence, Maggie is never eager to take up too much space, instead taking to blending into the background like a classic wallflower. Small in a way that leaves no doubt she was a scrawny child, Maggie stands at a height of 5'3 with size 4 feet and gangly arms that seem just a little too long for the rest of her body. She's slim, an exhibit of thin arms and legs, but owns two hands rough with calluses, and a line-straight head-high posture born less of self-confidence and more of strict instillment. Her hair is thick and curly and usually worn down, save for when she's working or revising, in which case she ties it back. Clothing-wise Maggie has always preferred a quiet and smart outfit, enjoying neutral colours and geometric patterns. Her most frequent choice of outfit is a simple blouse and skirt pairing, though like any other student Maggie also owns a selection of skinny jeans, loose shirts and hoodies, most of which are worn at work. Near all of her outfits are matched with any pair of worn converse she hoards, or a fancy pair of ankle boots. Down the back of her left calve runs a long scar, nearly indistinguishable from her brown skin, but noticeable to an observant eye. Born in Surrey to a fairly upper middle-class family, Maggie speaks with a distinctly 'posh' accent. [/indent] [hr][center][color=BDB76B][h2][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=BDB76B][b]| Personality |[/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Quiet ♦ Sensitive ♦ Curious ♦ Friendly ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Remarked upon by almost anyone who knows her as a quiet and intelligent girl, Maggie has never been 'a mystery' or 'an enigma'. Instead she's always been like a 'constant', as if an unmovable object in an ever changing scene that slowly fades into the background until it is just an accepted aspect of the background, not striking or unconventional, and just 'there'. Because of this it wouldn't be unfair to call Maggie insipid or, at worst, bland. What's more, Maggie herself embraces her lack of distinction, having always enjoyed her privacy and holds a fondness for a quiet place to breathe. By no means is Maggie a true introvert, but she is a lover for a clear mind, something she most often finds in the single seat tucked away in the corner, and the 5am walks along Southbank. Despite her regularly self-imposed isolation from most of society, Maggie is always nothing less than cordial when meeting new people, and expresses a friendly fondness for those few she would call friends, and a sincere devotion to those she considers closest to her. Bright and observant, Maggie is endlessly curious and a brilliant listener, and if you found yourself detailing your life story to her you wouldn't help but feel that Maggie held a genuine fascination for your words. Maggie is however much less willing to divulge too much of her own story, and perhaps you might theorize that her eagerness to listen was due to an inability to share, or to open up that quietly guarded disposition and reveal any number of secrets that would fade away part of the uplifted chin and quick graceful walk. [/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Likes & Dislikes |[/b][/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Gardening[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Long walks early in the morning[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Strong coffee with no milk or sugar[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Cult film screenings at the Prince Charles cinema[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]New Stationary[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Patient people[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Browsing the book market underneath Waterloo Bridge[/indent] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Music with no lyrics[/indent] [indent][color=FF0000]✘[/color]Very large crowds[/indent] [indent][color=FF0000]✘[/color]Liars and cheaters[/indent] [indent][color=FF0000]✘[/color]Waiting for a bus in the rain[/indent] [indent][color=FF0000]✘[/color]Medicine[/indent] [indent][color=FF0000]✘[/color]When time passes too quickly[/indent] [centre][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/EsmeTyler/maggie1_zpsiz4eoebc.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=BDB76B][b]| History |[/b][/color] [indent]Born into the world quietly and quickly early on a Wednesday morning, Maggie was named so for her Mothers Grandmother and for the exclamation that she was 'precious as a pearl'. The latest of a long line of Witches whose magic was isolated to the women, Maggie belonged to the Adeyemi family, a strong and accomplished clan descended from the Vodon Priests of Benin, immigrated to London during the Windrush years. Born to Phillip Spencer, a human Property Developer, and Evelyn Adeyemi, a Witch renowned amongst her kind, Maggie was raised in a comfortable and affluent household and demonstrated her first sparks magic at a young age. Her Mother, Evelyn, an alumni of the Brithonic Coven and a pragmatic statue of a woman, was keen to fashion her only child into a Witch of the Age, a talented and powerful individual of authority who would command respect and carry the Adeyemi name with honor. Unfortunately, in contrast to her Mothers ease of skill and confidence, Maggies abilities came slower and her manner shyer. Despite this, Evelyn would not be deterred and, when her marriage ended in divorce and Evelyn granted primary custody of her child, she took every opportunity to educate her child. For years, whilst her magic grew quietly at it's own pace, Maggie was participant to endless lessons, lectures and demonstrations under the watchful eye of her Mother, learning the back to front of magical theory and history. The constant magical environment eventually showed its benefits, as at the age of 14, Maggie finally came fully into her magic and surprised many by revealing her magic to correspond more to Elemental Magic, a rarity in her family. As her Mother specialized in Necromancy and could provide little basis for an education on Elemental Magic, Evelyn allowed Maggie her space to grow and learn on her own, setting the girl to private study. Through this Maggie attained an appreciation for isolation and developed into the quiet studious woman she is today. Leaving School with good marks, Maggie divulged her plan to move to London and attend University there, arguing that the freedom would allow her the proper space and time to properly learn all the intricacies of her magic and figure out just what it was she could bring to the family, as well as the world. Evelyn, who by this point was swamped with Necromantic contracts from all over the world, agreed to letting Maggie leave home, on the condition that her Daughter assimilate herself into the Brithonic Coven, so she would be kept safe living in the city. Keeping her promise, upon arriving in London Maggie sent word to the coven of her arrival and was welcomed, largely upon acknowledgement of her family name. Although the wealth of knowledge and history suddenly available at her fingertips as part of the Brithonic Coven was enticing, Maggie disliked the tighter community and strict rules, and dislikes frequenting the coven too much. Instead, she found herself wandering online more and more often, scouring the resources of the Circle of Sorcery and wondering if maybe, just maybe one day she could be brave enough and follow her curiosity.[/indent] [centre][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/EsmeTyler/maggiefamily_zpsxmeiqh5e.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=BDB76B][b]| Family |[/b][/color] [indent]-Evelyn Adeyemi: Mother to Maggie and assuming Matriarch of the Adeyemi clan, Evelyn is renowned for her magic skill among her kind and is an accomplished Necromancer who is contracted all over the world. An example of her great talent lies in her companion, the reanimated and rejuvenated corpse of Ada Lovelace, the soul of which Evelyn summoned back to the Plain of the Living to assist her with her taxes, and has accompanied her ever since. A tall and striking woman of seemingly limitless confidence, Evelyn expects her Daughter to live up to the Adeyemi name.[/indent] [indent]-Phillip Spencer: Father to Maggie and Founder of a highly successful property development company, Phillip is a fairly quiet man who is hard to surprise. A regular human who became aware of the existence of The Other through his ex-Wife Evelyn, Phillip prefers to almost ignore most things supernatural, and has little to no idea of how to treat his Daughter and her magic. Nonetheless he loves Maggie dearly, and pays the rent of Maggies flat in Faraday Heights.[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Strengths |[/b][/color] [indent][list]-Ecological empathy -Patient -Observant [/list] [/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Weaknesses |[/b][/color] [indent][list]-Unwilling for sudden change, almost stubborn -Prefers isolation, doesn't seek people out -Curious to a fault, lacks a real sense of danger [/list][/indent] [center][color=BDB76B][h2][u]The Other[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=BDB76B][b]| Theme Song |[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi2B0PFj-OQ]Dreamhead – Home[/url] [sub](Lyric-less song)[/sub][/indent] [centre][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/EsmeTyler/maggie2_zps15nyfssc.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=BDB76B][b]| House Number |[/b][/color] [indent]26B Faraday Heights[/indent] [color=BDB76B][b]| Extra Information |[/b][/color] [indent]Though Maggies magic is Elemental it's strictly centered in Ecology, and shows itself largely through her talent with gardening and growing plants. Because of this empathy Maggie has many plants throughout her flat and several of them have grown so strong due to her presence that they've begun rooting into the floor and extending vines across the ceilings. Despite the fact that the plants in 26B flourish and quiver with her mood, Maggie has no real control over her plants, currently lacking the power and discipline. Because her Father knows her preference for isolation and pays for her entire rent, Maggie is the lone resident of 26B. This is convenient not only for Maggies comfort but also for space, one of the two spare bedrooms having been converted half-intentionally into a plant room. The other spare room is empty, having leased the flat unfurnished, and Maggie doesn't use it for much save storing a few boxes and the occasional attempt at halfhearted meditation on her Mothers advice. The lack of flatmates makes it easier for Maggies erratic sleep schedule, due to having insomnia, so she's had many an easy time at 3 in the morning making toast or wandering aimlessly around her flat. [/indent][/hider] [Permanent edit: Edited out the bit about Maggie accidentally turning her ex into a weasel, it seemed a bit too much to start on, and a bit ooc for the tone I want to take with this character. She still gay tho]