[b]Name:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]Serenity Cloverfield[/color][/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]Female[/color][/indent] [b]Cycle/Age:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]2nd Cycle - 24 years old[/color][/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c5/c7/90/c5c79052ac03385e9c0d020c4b54acf5.jpg[/img] [color=lightpink]Serenity is a young looking woman with blonde hair that falls to her shoulders. Her eyes are white in color with freckles of green in them. She weighs only 118 lbs and stands at 5'7''. She has a petite frame. Her clothing is often her black skinsuit she wears, complete with gloves and heeled boots.[/color][/indent] [b]Lunos:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]Crystal[/color][/indent] [b]Weapons:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink] [list] [*]Silver Sword (named Justice): A silver [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/af/fe/8aaffee35e2f02a611ca27104135e620.jpg]sword[/url] sheathed on Serenity's hip should her foes dare get near her. It's lightweight and easy to swing. [*]S-42 Sniper Rifle: Serenity's go-to weapon of choice. This [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/012/8/3/m_19_sniper_rifle_by_tekuuei-d4lt74r.jpg]sniper rifle[/url] comes equipped with scope that can change from normal view to night vision with easy access. It is portable and folds up for easy carrying. It can be equipped with a silencer for stealthy missions and comes in a variety of colors (Serenity prefers silver).[/list][/color][/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink] [list] [*]Tal-Tech Stealth Visor: Serenity's [url=http://oi38.tinypic.com/2r2ojkh.jpg]visor[/url] is able to help her locate intended targets at a distance. It is also able to pull up anything connected to her Personal Pad for easy viewing (i.e. documents, messages, chats, etc.) [*]Isune Personal Pad vol. 3: This pad, much like a cell phone, holds all of its user's data. It is able to make calls, send messages, and even tell you the time! Serenity's personal pad is not the latest one, but it does the job she needs. It is black in color with a light blue screen. [*]Bag 'o' Jewels: Due to her ability to use gemstones as a light source, power source, and personal weapon, it only stands to reason she'd have some at the ready for use. She keeps a small pack with her that contains a few gems (6 at the most). [*]Get-In Lockpicks: A handy tool that allows the user access to locked doors and containers.[/list][/color][/indent] [b]Character Bio:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]Serenity doesn't view herself as a hero. She is merely trying to get by the day to day life that humanity has to endure now. The constant cycles, the infertility, the mad grab for power in any form. Really, was it any different before? Despite her "young age" (as it were) Serenity doesn't enjoy the process of moving from one body to another in order to preserve life. She remains clung on to the hope that eventually a cure will be made and one can resume breeding the human race for the future. To get by, Serenity prides herself as being a bounty hunter of sorts. A contract mercenary. An assassin. Any colorful term for someone paid to take people out fits here. It isn't pretty, it isn't easy, and she isn't one to ask questions. This does not mean that she doesn't do her research. Anyone worried about her harming an "innocent" need not worry. Serenity only targets those who are scraping the bottom of the trash pile, the corporate bigshots stepping on the middle man, the leaders killing their opponents to get out ahead, the filthy rich who beat up their wives and children to make them feel good. She is an angel to some, a villain to others. She doesn't mind. In order to get her work, people need to know of her. That's a simple matter of advertising. If some higher-up gets offed, it makes headlines and waves, rumors start forming, and people watch to see what's happened, almost like they gave a darn. Serenity doesn't offer her services, but she doesn't hide them either. She isn't cheap, but she makes it worth your while to hire her. In the end, you're either on her side or you aren't. Life, as we know it now, is short. If you're in her sights, then it's about to get a whole lot shorter.[/color][/indent] [b]Long Term Motivation:[/b] [indent][color=lightpink]Serenity's current motivation is to ensure that justice is served. Everyone has a target on their back, as far as she is concerned. It's only a matter of time before someone collects the bounty. She has a personal vendetta against leaders who abuse their powers for their personal gain.[/color][/indent]