[quote=@Halvtand] It's great to get more insight into the inner workings of the character, small details like that makes a big difference. Still, I can't really see it. No, it's not that I don't see it, I just think that this needs more weight. I mean, the character was born in a time of chaos, only the other clansmen could be trusted. Then he witnessed the biggest change in recent history (forming the villages) and went to war with his new allies to defend their new home. Frozen, waiting... Thawed, comes back, sees that everyone he once knew is dead... And leaves? I mean, he fought for this, he saw the negotiations with the Senju for it, he helped build it, he went to an organized war with an old enemy as an ally to defend it. It is the one place that he would be connected to the strongest, despite the change of time, and yet he decides to go live in a dump up north where he was nursed for a while? I mean, why? Why would Gobi feel more alike a home than the village he risked his life for? This should be a huge thing! [/quote] For one, I think you're looking a little too much into the inner workings of characters, their motivations were never that well explained in the source material, and to me, losing everyone you ever loved seems like a pretty reasonable explanation for why you would choose to leave it all behind. However, I am a fan of liking to at least imagine we, as fans can create more 3dimensional characters than the Shounin source, and as such, I've thought about what reasons he could have. For one, he was born and raised in a feudal age, where savagery and cruelty were the norm - he was barely met with kindness from his fellow Uchiha, since the Senju were so strict on each other, and I doubt the Uchiha were any nicer, given their curse of Hatred and what not. Hashirama had an easy going spirit, unlike his peers, and I'm looking to produce a very shounen character in Aro. Someone who, while he won't goof of is still prone to not being [i]too[/i] edgy. So, to bring it back. Why would he leave the village he found after being thawed out, in favor of Gobi? They took him in, nursed him back to health and showed him the kind of unconditioned care that he had never felt. His parents and fellow Uchiha respected him, but they treated him, themselves and everyone else like weapons, because they had to. They would have pushed Aro further with everyday, and Aro was a mediocre shinobi, on his best days, so he didn't get any praise for anything he would have done. If he was 16 when he was frozen, he hadn't done anything more remarkable than being your average foot soldier. I in fact doubt he's ever even killed up to this point - so, it stands to reason that the kind of care he would've met in the modern age, especially in a village like Gobi would warm his heart, the kind of warmth he had never felt. [quote=@Halvtand] Leaving stuff behind. Yes, this character did that, and that is actually part of the problem. He has already cut all the ties with his old world. Everyone is dead, new people live in his house, he's gone up north. He's not tied to Gobi, he wasn't born there, he has no fond childhood memories of the place. The house he stays in might be a hotel, not the house his parents built. When he leaves he might think "Yeah, that was that village, time to go." He won't be scared, he was/is a proven warrior. What I'm trying to say is that this isn't you average Naruto-game where it's all about kicking ass in the most spectacular way possible. We want some real drama here, and having characters that are connected in the trauma of leaving everything behind means that they will have things to talk, cry and laugh about that everyone knows about. This character is on a whole other level. When the others are talking about life back in the village he'll have very little to add because he didn't live there. When he talks about his trauma the others won't be able to comprehend it because they've never been close to anything like it. Even after leaving the village they are still connected to each other. It's apples and oranges. [/quote] Like I brought up previously - the kindness and sense of caring he would have receieved in Gobi would have changed his world. Though, to anchor himself further in the village, I could make give him a girlfriend or something of the sort. Young people in love do crazy things. The idea behind him is to tell a different perspective, to be able to broaden the horizons of the others who have been sheltered all of their lives, and yet broaden his own, make him realize that he himself too, have been sheltered. He never did experience real love, human contact or a real childhood as a kid. He was busy training and worrying about his loved ones getting killed. [quote=@Halvtand] He has to unlearn everything he ever learned. I'm not sure what you meant to say with this, but I'll try to sort it out. Just to be clear, after the villages were formed the world hasn't changed a whole lot. Sure, specifics have changed. Specific people, alliances, techniques, events, buildings, training practices, rituals... Yeah, it was a while ago, things change. But the core principles does not. He has seen real ninja v ninja battle. He knows what it is like to have an enemy for a neighbour that you need to befriend and keep secrets from. He knows what kind of a place a real hidden village is. Just the fact that he has spent that kind of time out in the world has given him a kind of confidence and resolve that the rest of the cast lacks. [/quote] Well, you just did mention that everything has changed. This is almost the modern age - Kakashi is an ANBU and Minato is on the fast track to becoming Hokage with Kushina happily married, Naruto is about to be born and the world is already a much softer, warmer and more loving place. Naruto couldn't convince Madara to change his ways, where as he could convince Zabuza and Negato. Madara wasn't more evil than either of them, he was just born under harsher circumstances. I'm getting sidetracked, anyway. Aro would have spent the first few years in Gobi getting used to not constantly being in danger, not having to sleep with a kunai under his pillow, he wouldn't have to worry about getting invaded or assaulted. To learn to be a civilian, or well - almost a civilian, anyway would be tough and would take time. Like I said, he too have been sheltered, just in barbed wire and not in a blanket like the others. Now, let's say he's spent three years adjusting to life in Gobi, constantly rehabilitating and getting used to not worrying about his mailman stabbing him. And then he's told that he should leave the life he's come to known, that he's gonna put behind the safety of the world he's built - that once again he should leave his life behind and venture into a dangerous world. It would either break him, or give him completely new motivations. A greater sense of purpose than to survive, to not just fight for himself and the shinobi beside him but something to truly fight for. [quote=@Halvtand] Chakra control. Yes the world was a different place back then with other priorities. I just thought it was strange that he'd learned B-rank techniques (let's face it, B-rank is starting to get pretty advanced) before he'd learned to utilize proper chakra control. It seemed like he was doing it the wrong way around. Me and hat talked about this one for a while and eventually agreed to disagree because we both had valid points from different perspectives. Mine would be that this is "backwards", but hey, if it works...[/quote] I agree it's a bit backwards, but, I don't think they were taught the replacement technique or the Bunshin technique, either. They were mass-trained in the bare minimum to go into combat. Aro's B ranks were probably taught to him by his seniors, and honed with experience. He was young, not a war hero. He would've delivered messages back and forth outposts and avoided combat as often as possible - sans his fight with the Yuki after the formation of the ninja village. But that was truly his first [i]real[/i] fight, and that's why his Sharingan activated so late in a very combat-oriented life. [quote=@Halvtand] Thawed out more recently. Yeah, that would actually make it worse. That would mean that you're even less connected to Gobi.[/quote] Fair enough. [quote=@Halvtand] Being frozen earlier (in life). That would actually be at least a step in the right direction as it would remove some of his experience fighting and interacting with the world. But I would actually like to see him thawed earlier as well to give him the chance to really connect to and feel at home in Gobi so that he can feel the same thing that the others will when they leave.[/quote] I agree that he should have been frozen a little earlier. Probably at 15 instead of 17. Making him have spent four or five years in Gobi, that's plenty of time to put down roots. [quote=@Halvtand] Sharingan. Yeah, it's the elephant in the room. Might as well go through with it. I see that you realise what kind of hassle the Sharingan can be in RPs. It's simply a bag of great stuff that you can get for free, and with a little work and a lot of talent you can basically become the Highlander. I mean, just look at the [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sharingan]wiki page[/url]. But in order to asses the situation properly I have to ask... What is your intention with the sharingan? I mean, you have a pretty great character concept even without it.[/quote] The wiki isn't particularly accurate with what the Sharingan can truly do, though. As I previously mentioned, casting genjutsu on the opponent to foresee their moves is godmodding and would not be done in any capacity in the RP. Used to see chakra, enhance his reaction time and the ability to learn from his opponents. And I'm not talking copying techniques - his sharingan is not mature enough for that, anyway. I mean like learning body language and picking up on small details. However, it's key use is a plot devise. To drive his character arc forward, either by revealing his bloodline to the other players, to engage with other Uchiha, or people who knew of the Uchiha, and to simply really push on his lack of stamina in a fight. And, of course, his sharingan is not fully mature, his left eye is still in it's worst level, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon, but keeping it in my back pocket as a power-up down the line, whenever everyone else gets theirs. It's a shounen after all, power levels will rise, just not at a as ridiculous rate as the Manga, I assume. Also, while writing this, I do agree that I should alter the time he spent frozen and alter a few of his background elements to better fit into Gobi, something along the lines of what I was talking about above.