Name: Lyona Stormrider Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Warrior Origin: Avanase Appearance: [img][/img] Weapon: Twin Thin Swords Personality: Lyona is harsh and cold. She takes no crap from anyone, especially men who think she is weaker than them. Once a recruit made a crack about her being a woman in the army. Lyona kicked his ass, not even stopping when he begged for mercy. She left him bleeding and unconscious. Her superior has made several notes about her being too hard on the new recruits, putting the fear of the Goddess in them. Any questions about her past gets you on her bad list. Of course she doesn't really have a good list so... you're really screwed either way. Something happened to make her the cold bitch that she is. Beneath the ice is a still broken heart. She is still working through a deep seated anger at something... or someone... Loyalty: Imperial Army Rank(To be given by GM): History: Lyona was born in a small village. The rest is not really known until she joined the Imperial Guard and has been working on rising through the ranks. Her particular brand of cruelty has served her lord well, but even she has lines she does not cross. Children are not to be touched and she has described in detail what will happen to the manhood of those soldiers who touch a woman in an immoral way. She is a valuable enough warrior for her superiors to let her have her way in how prisoners are dealt with. She always offers men a choice : swear loyalty to the Imperial Army or die. Women are given the same choice and children are taken to the Capitol to be cared for until they are old enough to make the same decision. She has a very high recruitment rate because of these tactics. (I hope she is okay. Let me know what I need to change.)