Name: Jinayah Age: 20 Race: Human Class: Archer Origin: Tormin Appearance: Jin is petite, about 5 feet tall, slender but muscular. Her black hair is worn in a short, messy cut. Her eyes are very dark, bright and alert, missing very little. She usually wears simple leather armor, with a reinforced glove and shoulder pad on her shooting arm. She has a pair of tattoos on her torso- one indicting the clan of goblins she belongs to, and one marking the specific family who raised her. Weapon: Modified recurve bow, slingshot and sharpened stones, small dagger. Magic: Latent/limited White Magic sometimes activated by severe stress. Personality: Jin has an exuberant personality, and is endlessly curious. While some people might think her simple, that's not true. Jin's no fool, but her lack of language skills makes her seem slow to other people. There are some things that Jin doesn't understand fully, though- class divisions and hatred of nonhumans are two of them. When she encounters these situations, Jin promptly responds with anger,, and defends those who are in trouble. Loyalty: Tormin Rank(To be given by GM): History: Jinayah was born to a pair of nomadic adventurers, a warrior and a small-time mage. They happily traveled up and down Tormin, simply enjoying the world and each other. Her parents were decent adventurers with terrible luck- their lives were taken by a thug gang near the mountains. Luckily said gang had some form of heart. They left the now-orphaned baby Jin alive but alone, wailing in the forest. Baby Jin cried her little eyes out, but when her parents did not wake, she started to wander. She made it into a series of caves and busied herself trying to catch fireflies. It was here that her fate was changed forever. That evening, the local goblin village went to gather wood and forage for food. They found the innocent baby playing there at the mouth of one of their caves. She showed no fear of them, and in fact, seemed more curious about their ears than anything else. After a lot of discussion and a trip to the village elder, it was decided. As there was no human settlement within a short traveling distance, the goblins decided to raise the child as one of their own. Like any orphan, little Jin became the village's child, raised by all, taught by all, and loved by all. The goblin children learned to accept the tiny-eared, brown skinned, skinny human as just another one of them. Life was happy for Jin, for the most part. Sometimes she slept and dreamt of screaming, but for the most part, she learned to work, fight, and live. The goblins discovered she was a natural with a sling, able to hit faraway targets with stunning accuracy. They taught her to hone that talent, and to move silently and swiftly. When she was about ten, her magic started to show, the gift of the light. The few magicians in the village trained her to harness those skills, but she showed much more promise in the physical arts than the magical. When her coming of age was at hand, she chose to go out in the world and seek a fortune for the village, to make her name great and make everyone proud. She was seen off with much love, luck and tears, to make her way in the world. Now she travels Tormin, having pledged not to return until she brings glory or treasure back to the clan. -- OK. Digging for a good appearance pic. I feel like something's missing here with my profile. I have no idea why Jin would join any army.