[center][h1][color=a36209] Clay Hale[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1] [color=fdc68a] Senna[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1] Mr. Imortal Wolf[/h1][/center] It took Clay a few seconds to realize that Senna had taken off. After a moments hesitation his 'conscious' ordered him after her. She wasn't in a state to take on anything, none the less something that was clearly a trap. Clay was able to catch up quickly, trying to use his free hand to grab at her clothing, but the material kept sliding from his finger. The deeper into the forest they got, the slower he went and the further ahead she got. Not only did his crossbow slow him down in the thick woods, but he kept having to stop to make sure that the wolf didn't circle behind them. He shot a few warning shots into some suspicious looking shadows, but nothing howled in pain. Soon she fell totally out of sight and tracking her in the darkness was mostly lucky guess work. By the time he reached the clearing, Senna was already going after the beast. Not wanting to out them both, he put a tree to his back and started firing shots at the largest werewolf he had ever seen. The werewolf growled at the woman hunter in an amused tone. Raising his head as he was shot at in the back. It did not howl in pain, as it was more of an annoyance. Suddenly the werewolf spoke in a low deep demonic voice. "To continue to try and fight me will only make it so you are easily turned in the end." He chuckled and looked directly at the other hunter firing bolts at him. "It's useless. No mortal weapon can harm me." He looked back to Senna and raised his paw of which she struck at. The slight cut was healing already as well as the burns. He sniffed the air and moved closer to Senna. "You... You have Demon's blood running through you." He said as he sounded slightly excited. "That's good. Ill make you into my mate." He finished with a laugh. Senna was honestly a little shocked that this thing was talking. Not only that, it was apparently interested her in [i]that[/i] way. She might have actually laughed at that, but what he said before that, immediately infuriated Senna. Demonic blood? Her? Bullshit, she was human. Her father was human, and so was her mom. So where did the blood come from? She refused to believe such a thing. She had heard rumors of course, that some people started spreading about her. But she refused to believe them. She was human, damn it. [color=fdc68a] “Heh…you’re….goddamn hilarious.”[/color] Senna replied as she stood, laughing at his comment. [color=fdc68a] “You think you’re smart or something, don’t you, mutt?”[/color] There was a clink of metal as she extended the haft of her axe, the end of the axe extending as the old metal clinked into place. [color=fdc68a]”The only thing I see with tainted blood here, is you.”[/color] She snarled. [color=fdc68a] “So why don’t you shut up and die already so I can make you into a new coat, mongrel.”[/color] "Mongrel?! Do you know who you speak to?" He said angrilly while standing straight up as tall as he could he looked down at the woman. "I am Varoth! The Demon Lord of werewolves! I am he who hunted the woods thousands of years ago. I am he who created the werewolves! I am their Lord and GOD!" He roared, as he clenched his fist. "As I said, You cannot kill me... I. AM. IMMORTAL." He was running low on bolts. It was a sickening feeling to know that he could easily use up twice the number he had. It would have been okay had the bolts been having any effect on the werewolf whatsoever, but they seemed to be more likely to bounce off of them than sink into his skin. He fired a few more, trying to go after it's eyes and fingers, demon lord or not, it'd be tough to ignore a bolt in his eye.[color=a36209]"I know you don't need me to tell you this Sen, but don't listen to him, don't let him get in your head. Don't let him make you angry!" [/color] He shouted, although, he was pretty sure that Senna /came/ into the battle already pissed. [color=a36209]"Don't listen to anything he says!"[/color] It was only then that he noticed how quite the rest of the woods were. Like all other living things had long since fled. Almost as though there was something else out there. Senna could honestly not give two fucks about this mutt. Sorry Clay, too late. As he spoke, she grabbed her axe with both hands, slamming it’s blade as hard as she could right into the side of his head, the rage-fueled bow hopefully doing more damage than it had earlier. [color=fdc68a]“Immortal, eh?”[/color] She chuckled darkly. [color=fdc68a]“Well…I can at least make you [i]bleed[/i]”[/color] She pulled her axe backwards, sliding the blade along his face, before driving the head of it right into the creatures chest with a powerful thrust. Varoth grunted at the blows, she was powerful, he gave that to her blood. His skull was cracked and face bleed, but all she managed to do was knock him back two steps. He grew tired of the womans cockiness and mouth. Growling fiercely he swung his arm with alarming speed and knocked the woman back. He then turned to the other hunter and made his way to him. "This body may bleed, but it always heals. Just give up and become another one of my wolves." As he grew near he leaped forward and stuck out towards Clay. The wolf got close. Fast. Too fast. Soon his distance weapon became useless, so he dropped it and pulled out his small, silver dagger. It wasn't much, but it was better than going after the mutt with just his bare fists. [color=a36209]"If I die because of your hotheaded stubbornness Senna,"[/color] he shouted, slipping under the wolf's claw in a forward somersault [color=a36209] "You can consider our partnership over," [/color] He struck out at the wolf's paws. He wouldn't be able to hit anything vital, but it could irritate it quite a bit. He started working his way backwards towards the clearing closer to Senna, but his luck ran out and soon of the lumbering arms caught him on the side, tossing him clear off his feet. Once both were on the ground he walked over slowly and said, "Once you two become my new followers, I will continue to hunt every hunter and make them into werewolves, and create a powerful army to take over the world and become the only and true God here." Senna was knocked clean off her feet, axe still in hand, a death like grip on the item. She rolled, landing on the ground with a thud. Possibly breaking something, but she didn’t care. The werewolf was going after Clay, and she couldn’t have that. She stood, ignoring the slight pain in her torso. She approached the werewolf swiftly from behind, her halberd swinging in a wide, horizontal arc. [color=fdc68a]“Oi, fleabag!”[/color] She growled. Instead of swinging for his head, however, her axe went right for his leg – intending to cleave it clean off. [color=fdc68a]“The only thing you’re going to be, is a rotting flea-infested head on the end of my axe.”[/color] Varoth bit back a howl of pain as her axe connected with his leg, cutting halfway through the bulky meat and snapping the bone just below his knee cap. That would heal, but it still hurt at the moment. He gripped the Axe and ripped it from his own leg jerking forwards to try and slam the woman into his back with the sudden force. Senna was unprepared for the sudden movement. She moved forwards, slamming into the werewolves back with enough force. A sickening crack was heard. She likely broke a rib from that impact, but that only enraged the woman further. But her body fell, and she wasn’t able to move as she had hoped. The blow dazed him, although he couldn't remember most of it. Slowly Clay found his feet again, but still found it difficult to make sense of the scene, his brain kept seeming to wander, noticing the way the trees seemed to bend in and not at the same time. How the wolf's fur seemed to be both soft and prickly. All the while knowing his thoughts were nonsense,yet struggling to keep his mind from thinking otherwise. Soon, his thoughts cleared enough that he was able to jump up behind the wolf, holding onto him by wrapping his arms around the wolf's neck. Not exactly a safe place to be.... [color=a36209]"I hear that working for a god doesn't pay well these days. And, as Bobby will tell you, I have a tab to cover,"[/color] his voice straining slightly from trying to hold on. He situated his knife so that it was digging into the wolf's neck, causing hot blood to run down Clay's arm. In another moment, Clay was flipped over the beast and held dangling. His throat being held up by one of the creatures harry claws. He scrambled, putting his own hands over the breast, trying to release the strain, looking into the were's soulless eyes.