[h1][center][b]Laina[/b] & [color=f49ac2]Genoveve[/color][/center][/h1] Saevire rushed back to the castle. Genoveve’s wound would probably need some healing, and Laina would likely need quite a bit of rest after that summons. Normally her spells weren’t quite so…costly, but she had perhaps overdone things a little. She had wanted to end things quickly, but perhaps she could have used a less costly spell. The black knight wasn’t the fastest of people, but damn it if he didn’t have a lot of stamina. He didn’t stop sprinting the entire time as he brought the two witches back to the castle, and likely the sentinels already told of their approach. With any amount of luck, Lorelai would have already prepared something to help the two of them. He brought them to the main common room, setting Laina gently down, and allowed the wounded Genoveve to rest upon some cushions. Laina looked like she was more or less asleep, but he didn’t feel as though her life was in any immediate danger with a little rest - so The black knight then proceeded to do what he always did, and wait. [hr] [h1][center]Enter [color=00aeef]Lorelai Von'Strauss[/color] & [color=#FF640A]Vespa Ruvina[/color][/center][/h1] Lorelai awoke from her comfortable rest to the sound of her sentinel's voices in her mind. [i]"Mistress, two of yours approach, one had been wounded."[/i] Her eyes sprang open, [color=00aeef]"The redhead or the white haired one?"[/color] She carefully extracted herself from Vespa's embrace and began getting dressed. It wasn't long before Vespa too awoke. Sitting up while holding the blanket to protect her modesty, she tried to rub the sleep off of her eyes. Lorelai was still putting on her undergarments, and it would have been the greatest lie if Vespa said she did not enjoy the view. So she took some time before saying, [color=#FF640A]"Lorelai? Up already?"[/color] [i]"The redhead mistress."[/i] The demon spoke in Lorelai's mind. Lorelai paused to lean over the bed and kiss her sleepy, beautiful, perfect lover. [color=00aeef]"I fear Genoveve's been wounded while out collecting the reagents I requested."[/color] Her face was contorted with a combination of guilt and worry. Vespa mimicked her frown. [color=#FF640A]"That's not good. Were they ambushed by hunters?"[/color] She leapt out of the bed and began dressing as well. [color=#FF640A]"Is someone tending to her wounds? I must help her immediately."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Sousiel will know more."[/color] Lorelai resumed dressing. Sure enough a knock came at the door. "Genoveve's got a gash in her neck Mistress, it doesn't look good." She continued knocking. "I've got your blade and cloak." [color=00aeef]"How bad is it? And what happened?"[/color] Lorelai demanded. "It's a gash in her neck ma'am, how good can it be? Ambushed by vampires just as they'd settled into that little picnic you packed for them, or rather one vampire and a shit ton of thralls. Does a House Ruvin mean anything to you?" [color=#FF640A]"Ruvina?"[/color] Vespa called out, while fitting out her simple house gown at the other side of the room. [color=#FF640A]"Did you just say Ruvina?"[/color] "Nope, House Ruvin." Sousiel hurried over to her Mistress' side and began laying out Lorelai's warscythe and cloak. "I thought it sounded similar though, I grabbed a seal off of one of the fallen thralls though. I'll retrieve it once you two have seen to the girls?" Lorelai looked over to Vespa as she finished the last clasp on her robe. [color=00aeef]"Ruvin sounds eerily similar to Ruvina, do you know anything love?"[/color] She was putting on her swordsman's belt now, near her sword rack. [color=#FF640A]"I remember reading in my House's chronicles that we were descended directly from an ancient family of the same name, but there was next to no information on that family save for that they existed. It might just be coincidence, though."[/color] Vespa was no stranger to the martial arts. In fact, her mother trained both of her daughters thoroughly in them. A proud owner of several blades from short to long, she favored the one in the center of the rack: a gleaming rapier of the finest steel, excellent for stabbing and slashing. She took it with care and respect, then expertly sheathed it into the scabbard. She turned to Lorelai with a determined expression. [color=#FF640A]"I really doubt I'm of vampiric blood. Whoever these fools are, I will make them pay for plagiarizing my ancestor's' name."[/color] [color=00aeef]"I'm sure you will, and we'll extract sevenfold the blood they spilled from our sister."[/color] She hefted her scythe as Sousial tied her cloak about her shoulders. Vampirism, blood magic. Lorelai was never a fan of coincedences and this would be quite the one. Now was not the time, but there might be more to their claim than simple plagiarism. [color=00aeef]"Sousiel, inform Medusa of this turn of events."[/color] She turned and moved towards the door to wait for Vespa. [color=00aeef]"I'm sure Vespa will have Genoveve looking good as new in no time."[/color] "As you wish Mi'lady." Sousiel offered a small bow before taking on her cat shape and bolting from the room. [hr] The two's pace was brisk as they navigated through the largely empty hallways of Castle Bloodrose. Lined with artifact after ancient artifact, the torchlit corridors were cold and foreboding as they echoed their footsteps. The stairwell to and from Vespa's tower exited directly into the bowels of the castle's southern wing, and after a few doorways they were on the second floor of the main common room. Over the railings, they could see both Genoveve and Laina down by the cushions and the chairs, and upon setting their gazes on the former's bloodstained appearance, the two swiftly came down. [color=#FF640A]"Genoveve,"[/color] Vespa called, a sorrowful look on her face, [color=#FF640A]"gods above, what's happened to you?"[/color] [b]“Mmmh…ambushed by…someone in the woods.”[/b] Laina quietly replied to Vespa, her voice straining as she struggled to form coherent words that the two of them would understand. [b]“I…will be fine with a little rest. I perhaps…was careless with a spell. Genoveve is…wounded.”[/b] her voice trailed off as her eyes closed. [color=00aeef]"Saevire, please take your mistress to her room to rest."[/color] Lorelai examined Genoveve's wounds, they were dire, but hopefully not mortal. [color=00aeef]"Vespa love, please tell me this is within your power to fix."[/color] Saevire bowed, Laina was too exhausted to refuse. So the knight gently picked her up, and moved her to her room for rest. Genoveve's eyes seemed vacant and distant, her breathing was faint at best. Seeing as her wounds had not only not been treated yet, but had suffered somewhat from the trip to the castle. Her collarbone near her neck was a bloody ragged hole, and her left upper arm did not look much better. She had lost quite a bit of blood. This, however, was only the surface damage. Her violent seizure had caused unseen damage, several organs were rather seriously bruised and at least one had begun to bleed into her body cavities. Her brain was a bit worse for wear, but luckily she had not had a hemorrhage. Her vacant eyes drifted to the witches there and she meekly tried to speak, "Th-... ssss-sorry... we... I... Laina... o-ok...?", she reached out after the unconscious form of Laina being carried away, fighting to remain conscious. [color=#FF640A]"Hush, hush, now. Take it easy and relax."[/color] Vespa had rushed to Genoveve's side and was beginning to take off the woman's clothing. There was blood everywhere, some of it wet, but most of it dried already. It certainly was not a pleasant picture. Genoveve also seemed to be in a poor mental state at the moment, perhaps owing to the loss of blood. She turned her head to Lorelai for a moment. [color=#FF640A]"I have enough power in my veins at the moment to heal the worst of it, perhaps more. Then it will have to be bedrest and supervision from someone dedicated fully into the medicinal arts."[/color] Vespa then stood rigidly still and closed her eyes, controlling her breathing and placing her hands upon Genoveve's shoulders. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, her aura - a bright orange nimbus about her - gradually became visible. This energy then began to flow into the injured woman's wounds. Nothing could be done about the spilled blood, but the woman felt her soreness drifting away along with the pain as cuts were closed and fully sealed, and as new, magically born blood came flushing into her heart to replace what was lost. All the while, Vespa was uttering incantations in a language unique to her family's style of magic. Soon, her aura became invisible again, and her eyes opened. [color=#FF640A]"How do you feel?"[/color] she asked. [color=#FF640A]"Better?"[/color] Shakily, Genoveve sat up, still very pale as the blood created by Vespa needed time to circulate. Her internal bleeding had stopped as well, and most of her organs were fully or partially recovered... but she probably needed to tell Vespa she had a seizure. She hadn't had on in several years, having largely learned to control the spirits, with Yers's help of course, but if she ever did anything like what she did today then.. someone needed to know and it may as well be the person who takes care of healing. [color=f49ac2]"I... I feel much better but...[/color], she still felt very lightheaded and had to concentrate in order to speak, [color=f49ac2]"During the fight I... uhm... I had a seizure..."[/color], she looked down shamefully, it made her feel very weak and vulnerable to admit such a thing... especially in front of Lorelai, one of her two true 'superiors' and a powerful demon binder. Medusa had arrived by the time Genoveve had finished her confession. [color=ed1c24]"Lorelai, Sousiel brought me up to speed."[/color] Her eyes flashed with rage. [color=ed1c24]"I want blood Lorelai."[/color] Lorelai stood from her vigil beside Genoveve. [color=00aeef]"Blood you'll get mistress. Just allow for Alexina and Elina to arrive and we'll discuss our options."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I want blood [i]tonight[/i] Lorelai, go get it. Or at least a lead." Medusa moved over to Genoveve's side. "I see Vespa has dealt with much of the damage."[/color] She patted Vespa's shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Excellent work, would you be willing to attend to Genoveve until you sister arrives?"[/color] Vespa bowed respectfully to her Mistress. [color=#FF640A]"Yes, my Lady. I will keep her company. But what of Laina? She seems to have botched a spell and lost quite a bit of blood."[/color] [color=f7941d][i]"YOU DITZ! YOU STUPID BITCH! YOU HAVE ONE SEIZURE AND YOU TELL THEM??!! YOU'RE JEOPARDIZING YOUR... ME!!! ... fix this, play it off, do that or I will take this body myself and force you out of it. Do you understand me? Well, you're lucky that dumb whore Medusa has them on a different subject, no one seemed to notice... you better hope I'm right Ditz."[/i][/color] Genoveve had dreaded Yeris' return, and of course it was at the worst possible time. She continued looking down... Yeris may be right... maybe they wouldn't care? Medusa turned to Vespa. [color=ed1c24]"If it's not life threatening then I'll prepare a tonic to envigor her blood. If it is, then I'm sure you can repeat this feat yes?"[/color] She looked between Lorelai and Vespa wryly. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sure you've the energy for it."[/color] Lorelai blushed slightly, more notable was the brief flash of anger that crossed the witch's face before it returned to her serene mask. [color=00aeef]"I'm sure she can if required."[/color] Vespa had blushed as well, although to a greater degree. [color=#FF640A]"My reserves of mana are still,"[/color] her eyes flicked towards Lorelai for a moment, [color=#FF640A]"full. I will be able to do it again if it is required."[/color] Medusa tossed one of Genoveve's arms around her shoulder and gestured for Vespa to do the same with the other. [color=ed1c24]"Let's get her to bed then, and we'll check on Laina immediately."[/color] Lorelai took a hard look at Genoveve. [color=00aeef]"Yes, she'll need her strength over the next few days."[/color] Lorelai moved over to Vespa and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Normally such a display wouldn't be fitting in front of Medusa, but she was worried. [color=00aeef]"I'll be back by morning light."[/color] With that she strode out of the Castle with Sousiel in tow, cloak billowing behind her. Genoveve let herself be practically carried to her room, but in her mind Yeris was gloating, [color=f7941d][i]"What a bunch of ridiculously naive fools calling themselves witches. Medusa will run this coven into the ground and we will re-build the ashes, but only if you do. As. I. Say. Ditz. We are lucky you were ignored thanks to Medusa's sudden arrival, but NEVER go over my head again, understand?"[/i][/color], absentmindedly Genoveve physically nodded, but such an action was hard or even impossible to distinguish from a simple bobbing of the head from exhaustion... Genoveve would suffer alone, and silently.