Marco woke early again, earlier than he'd intended, he had quite a bit of time before he had to meet up with the others. Getting up and getting dressed he grabbed the pack he set up the night before for the journey, it was light but that was how he always traveled. He decided to kill his extra time by visiting his family's house in the city, due to the current troubles his brother was likely to be in the capitol as well. The walk was rather uneventful, when he got there he went to check the stables first rather than the house, custom stables mind you it's hard to keep a Drake in stables meant for horses, though there were horses there as well. Baego was there, the drake lazily looked at him from across his pen, so Marco was sure the Adrien was in the city. He also thought to get his own Drake, Vannik, as a fully-grown war-drake could be useful on a mission such as the one Theo was leading them on. Though on the way down to Vannik's pen he noticed that one of the horses had gotten out of it's stall, he found it not to long later, seeing that it had somehow found a way into Vannik's pen as was currently, mated by the drake. Marco immediately turned around and left, not about to interrupt that...sort of thing with his drake, he knew better. After a quick check with the house staff to see if he brother was at the house, they told him Adrien was out, he set out to meet at the gate. [hr] The ride there was quiet, Marco took to his sketchbook quite a few times over the two days until they arrived. After sending his horse away with the others he followed Theo into the tunnel, conjuring a small light over his head as he did. He looked around the area, examining the pile of bones and old machinery. He turned toward the clattering sound of the barricade of ruined mining equipment came down, stopping to extinguish the light and tap the sides of his eyes, placing a temporary enchantment over them to aid his vision in the dark. He followed just after Theo, keeping a wary eye out on the tunnel ahead.