[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qpO8F5e.png[/img][/center] Shawn looked around inside wandering in seeing a rather significantly long line for a ticket stand. As the women behind the counter speaking in a cheery voice trying to sell tickets for the magic show, Shawn nervously rubbed the back of his head as he still wasn't quite used to being around so many people as it was getting to him a little as much as he pretending he didn't, outwardly smiling. Soul was looking around and back at him noticing subtle behaviors he did when he was uncomfortable, though she was also intensely looking at anyone getting to close. Blade put his claw on shoulder with a beaming smile trying to make Shawn feel better, and it helped a little. Shawn gave his Scizor a nod, knowing he could buy a ticket. No problem, as he walked in the line and waited patiently as Blade pat Soul's head, her reaction was less thankful, shooting him a glare. Shawn pet his Espeon's head gently relaxing her nerves. The line was at least moving fairly quickly, as he was halfway through. Which made him a little extra excited to see it, since so many where coming it must be good at least that's what he figured. As Blade was smiling, off in a corner of the room with a couple young girls giggling as they were playing patty cake with him. Shawn sometimes wished he had his sociability with others. And Soul hadn't growled at anyone so it was at least going smoothly in his mind. Though suddenly Melody appeared out of her pokeball on top of his shoulders holding onto him. [color=f26522]“Melody...what's wrong dear?”[/color] He asked her concerned looking up at her seeing her hide her face a bit being surprised how many people were around her as she suddenly got startled. [color=00aeef]<”Can we go play?”>[/color] Melody whined. As Shawn thought momentarily for a solution. He reached in his pocket and released August as he looked around then at him confused. He picked up Melody and set her down on his back, as she grabbed him quickly to keep her balance. [color=f26522]“You two go outside the city and play, alright? Keep each other close. I'll come and get you two in a little while.”[/color] Shawn talks to them both in a maternal tone. Melody reluctantly nodded with a small smile, as August nodded and letting out a short exhale of relief and slight frustration that he would have to babysit.[color=2e3192] “[/color] He commented as he swiftly left outside the building as Melody held on to his back anxiously. [color=92278f]<”Was that the best idea?”>[/color] Soul questioned looking up at Shawn expressing concern. Head tilting slightly to the right as she tried to remember any time those two were left alone with each other. Shawn looking down at Soul giving him the stare she gave when he made decisions she didn't approve of. As he rubbed the back of his neck uncertain but not as worried. [color=f26522]“Don't worry, they'll be fine.”[/color] Shawn replied as he continued to move in line deciding it would be better for both of them to be outside their pokeballs knowing how much August especially loathed them, being always outside on his grandfather's ranch for the majority of his life. Besides what's the worse thing that could happen is what he was going to say aloud but he knew exactly how she'd respond to that statement. [color=f26522][i]“I hope they're going to be alright at least.”[/i][/color] Shawn thought to himself. Meanwhile Melody was giggling as August left the city still on his back, enjoying the ride. August wasn't enjoying it as much, but it was being better than being in the city full of humans as he dashed around, seeing that she was enjoying him going faster as he roamed not exactly caring what direction he went knowing he could easily find his way back to the city on the smell alone, going up to a pokecenter on the top of the hill where he saw several female trainers talking to one another. She hopped on his back, as she started to run around playfully, He looked up at the cloudy sky knowing it was going to rain heavily, staring at the several trainers rubbing his nose some. [color=2e3192]<”Why do all humans stink so awfully...”>[/color]