Wolfe couldn't believe his eyes, actual sentient non humans, here with him now. It was as if he stepped into the weirdest mashup sci fi flick. Like some of the tv shows he'd watch as a kid. When a man came in, who's name was Twain, Wolfe half expect to hear about the Stargate project, though that fantasy was quickly snuffed. As it turned out, the multiverse theory was true, and, if that meant there were separate universes interconnected, then some form of time travel is also possible, thus proving time is shperical, not linear. However, ending up in the proper universe, at the right time is the trick. Apparently Wolfe, and Hirsch both hit that lottery, not so much for most of the people in this room. Wolfe looked over at Hirsch, he was making googly eyes at a young, tough looking red head, Wolfe punched him in the arm. "Pay attention you walking penis." The brief continued. Wolfe began to get a slight feeling in his gut, he surveyed the room, eyes settling on an old man, who looked a bit flush, he was breathing heavily, and kept placing a hand over his chest. As soon as the brief had concluded, Wolfe was going to ask a question, when the old man staggered up and out of the conference room. Wolfe gut twitched, a man in a hooded cloak followed. Wolfe sat a few more moments before getting up and heading to the door to check the situation, when the hooded man called out. "Maybe someone should get a doctor of some sort?" Wolfe took off out the door, Hirsch followed sensing his team leaders urgency. Wolfe and Hirsch arrived outside to see the old man on the floor, he looked severly ill. More people began to show up. "Hirsch let's get him to an infirmary, chair carry," Wolfe said. "Roger that," Hirsch said. The sat the old man up, both Hirsch and Wolfe interlocked arms behind the man, on his back, and under his legs, creating a chair of arms. They stood up, Wolfe looked to the hooded man. Wolfe took the lead and headed toward where he had woken up. "Don't worry gramps," Hirsch said. "We'll get ya fixed up in time for Matlock."