[quote=@Halvtand] [@Hillan] Great post, you've given me a lot to think about and quite frankly I have to say that I agree on multiple accounts after my first reading. Why he didn't stay in Konoha. I buy this reasoning. This is exactly the kind of reasoning I was after when I started to poke you about it. It's great to see what the plan behind this was. The Hat has made me aware of one thing though, and I think that the best way to deal with it is to simply be honest. Whenever I get an Uchiha/Sharingan-user in my games I get suspicious. That's the long and the short of it. It's not personal on any level, I've just seen the Sharingan being misused/powergamed too much, and as a GM who wants to be serious and tell a story it's quite frankly depressing to have a player go for ultimate power and not giving a crap about the story. It has happened too many times. This is why I've been poking you about stuff, I want to see if you're really serious with your choice of character(and the stuff that comes with it).[/quote] Don't worry! I've experienced plenty of other people who have had the same mindset, I'm one of them, a lot of people think that every sharingan is a new Madara / Sasuke, while the truth is that most Uchiha didn't even get it, and only the ones in the show got the Mangekyo. [quote=@Halvtand] The thing that made Hat's radar go off is two lines in your reply to this. "However, I am a fan of liking to at least imagine we, as fans can create more 3dimensional characters than the Shounin source" and "I'm looking to produce a very shounen character in Aro." They do seem to contradict each other, which sucks because I believe that the level of insight you've provided means that you are a serious player and want to make this work. This might all be a wording-thing. I get it, I'm a second language English-user and words are hard sometimes even for natives.[/quote] Definately a wording error, or rather I mispoke. I think we can make characters that aren't limited by the fact that they are shounen characters - but still make them fit into the world of the source material. If that makes any sense to you. Me writing my response at 5 AM probably didn't help make my message clear, either. [quote=@Halvtand] Telling a different story. I get the different perspective. It's original and a great concept. I think it's very creative and all that. I'm just afraid that since the character is not on the same page as the others he might get alienated for it. I think I've stated all the arguments I can and if you still think it's a good idea then I can only wish you good luck with it.[/quote] I don't think it will be too much of a problem, I'll find reasons for him to relate with plenty of leverage. Though, if I do go with making him Thaw earlier, he would have a lot less weaknesses from his time being frozen. That doesn't mean he'd have none of them, just fewer. I really do like the idea of him having shivers and scars, as well as still somewhat deformed muscles. If only just because he hasn't exerted himself fully since he got thawed, there's been no need to. Anyway, in conclusion, I should alter the backstory and fit in more reasons for him to have roots, make him get frozen a little earlier in life, and thereby thawed earlier. And to more firmly anchor him in Gobi, really put focus on the parts that makes him feel at safe and at home in the village. Anything else I forget amidst the walls of text? Also, I assume you're Swedish, just like me, due to your name. Happy Easter to everyone, by the way.