[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12366328_989263887827339_5229485844148634130_n.jpg?oh=bce052a6dada9d41d31f843b304e159d&oe=5784BBEE&__gda__=1464652504_304cf4d33cd5f56a889182376bb912f1[/img] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12417753_989263884494006_8146979042302427612_n.jpg?oh=c9fe296499fd33eaa5f2678bf9d7c93e&oe=578617D7&__gda__=1469456733_6792bd9ca095fe42fc1f38fae9214fbe[/img] Name: Ashtara "Ash" Shanzen Age: 21 Power: -Healing circle: A green seal appears wherever Ashtara wishes, healing whoever is inside it. -Magic Mirror: A purple magic seal appears in front of Ashtara, reflecting any magic attack. Needs time to cast -Feahter Body magic: The body of the user becomes as light as a feather, allowing the user to run fater and jump higher -Armed and unarmed combat: Ashtara has shown in many oportunities to be a great fighter despite her fragile looks. She has no problem in figthing other mages despite not having offensive spells on her own. Items: -Thunder Spear: A small speal given to her by her mother, it allows whoever wielding it to throw lighting bolts. Color and location of symbol: Pink, left shoulder blade Bio: The daughter of a magic items merchat, Ashtara grew up in the roads and the olny friends she had were the magic books his father had for sale. When she was a child she wanted to help as many wounded people as possible, so she started studying healing magic but it soon found herself in love not with helping people but with magic, at the age of 16 she passed through Magnolia with her father's caravan, there she heard about a really noisy guild with powerlful mages, Fairy Tail. Ashtara managed to convide her father to let her stay, her mother just wanted her child to be happy and so gave her a thunder spear so she could protect herself. With just a few year Ashtara was loved by everyone in the guild despite being a little cold to everyone. She is known by many as the "Divine Healer" due to the effectiveness of her healing spell, even Sorcerer Magazine wanted her to model for them but she [s]electrocuted them[/s] refused