Everyone finally dispersed, and to my surprise, this wasn't the room with the dummy, no, instead there was another puzzle, one involving a spiked bridge, and blueprints. "Well, this is easy enough. Remember those light spots on the floor just before this? Well, just walk in that pattern, and I'm sure you'll be fine. I can just fly over this one," before I could fly, however, I noticed two things, one, Mettaton happened again, and two, Sans just casually flung a hurricane of puns at us. I decided to stay for just a bit, and joke with "Careful with that hurricane, Sans, it's making it hard to fly," I chuckled at my own joke, and finally flew over the puzzle, though... I almost felt like I was cheating, somehow. Aw, well, it's not like it was too difficult, anyways. I then wondered if I should have offered anyone a ride, and then recalled Chen, who seemed to be joking around, and generally being friendly to the group... which struck me as a bit odd. [i]I'll give him one chance... one test, just to see if he's okay... I doubt he is, and... even if he passes, I'm going to remain suspicious of him, but... it goes against my better nature to just hate someone because they have a poor excuse to be somewhere.[/i] I thought as I landed on the other side of the spike bridge, and noticed that nobody else was here. I then decided to take this time to look around, see if there was anything else I could find... maybe something more about that family, maybe even something useful... who knows? Of course, I also started practicing my magic, mainly focusing on my healing magic, as it was the least destructive magic I knew how to use, and I figured it was also one of my more useful magic types... odd... despite never being good at magic, I never gave up. Most monsters probably would have, yet, I just keep trying... just the thought that I could become better by just not giving up seemed to fuel my continued practice of magic.