[color=9e0b0f]"Your rooms are identical, where you go at first makes no difference, in time you will make them your own."[/color] He continues, turning slightly before the girl spoke up. He stopped, his composure maintained though his eye had a minor twitch in the muscle as he glared at her. (Terrifying Presence. [I:2- to ignore.]) [color=9e0b0f]"This is Anarchy, we do not work for any kind of infusctructural system or government. Had the NCR or Legion been the ones in control we'd be here bringing them down instead. Our employers and suppliers are private, and you'll get what you want out of this."[/color] He lowered his gaze for a moment to regain himself, turning towards the door. [color=9e0b0f]"The injection needs time to wear off, it won't be long. An hour, that's the time you have to settle in."[/color] He reaches to his ear, pulling out a small black piece. [color=9e0b0f]"This is a transmission device, you'll find I've put one in, a small radio to keep in touch. It receives, it does not put out. If you press it until you hear a click, it will switch to search for encrypted frequencies such as Brotherhood vertibirds and broadcasting, or in certain areas, coordinates to NCR supply drops, which I will permit you to take should you execute the one to retrieve it. Details for another time."[/color] He turns away, leaving the room to head to the Rotunda. On the left side is a heavy door that leads to his office area. On the right is another that says "Exit" above it. He would return to this office, the door shutting behind him to leave them to their own introductions and devices for the first hour.