Dain sat up quickly, causing him to grit his teeth as he stretched the muscles in his back. Of course they would be sore. He knew flying all morning would be a bad idea. Still, he wouldn't have made it in time if he hadn't. That was besides the point. What had woken him up? It sounded like a cat. Did that grey tabby come to his cabin to try and get him again? It was at that moment the fairy realized he hadn't even locked the window to his room. He had been lucky that no critter had come in and attacked him. He would need to be more careful. Looking around, Dain could see that it was still light outside, but just barely. He couldn't have slept that long, right? After such a wake up call, it would be difficult to get back to sleep. He stood, the bed was still very much made, so he decided to leave it be. Walking over to the edge of the bed, he looked at his water skin on the bedside table. He stretched his back and opened his wings. They felt heavier than he was used to; it did not feel good. He was going to have to get over it if he wanted to go meet the captain. The fairy jumped off the bed and huffed as he flew through the pain. Dain picked up the nearly empty skin and poured the remaining contents down his throat. [color=ed1c24]"Going to need to get this refilled..."[/color] He was not sure were exactly he could do that, though. He fastened it to his belt and picked up the key to his room. He would need to find a place to put this too. Carrying it around all day wasn't going to make his life any easier. Perhaps he could stash in one of the other rooms for the time being. He had to go through the crew quarters to get to his room. That would be a good place to start. He glanced up at his trunk; would he need to prove that he was a Knight? He looked at the door. It might be suspicious for a "trader" to carry around their luggage. He decided to leave it. He exited the room, checking for felines before stepping out. Satisfied it was clear, he locked up. It was still a little painful to fly, but not as bad as before. Still, the dull throbbing was distracting. As he entered the crew area, Dain could see a few of the members sleeping. He wished he could still do the same. Darn cats. Good thing he couldn't, though, since he had a date with the good ol' captain. Dain would need to ask him his name, can't keep calling him captain. After some snooping around, Dain found a beam with a crack in it. Which was a miracle in itself, since it was so dark. He held up the key, squinting to try and make out the size. It was tight, but he managed to squeeze the piece of metal into the wood. He made sure he could get it out. It was up high enough that a curious onlooker would need to stand on something to get it out; he hoped no one was persistent enough to try. Still, he found his hiding place inadequate, and pulled the key out, figuring it was safer to just carry it. Thankfully, the path to the outside of the boat was pretty straightforward. It was kind of stuffy below deck and the cool air of the ocean was very refreshing. Dain took a deep breath, letting its saltiness fill his lungs. [color=ed1c24][b]What a beautiful sunset.[/b][/color] It was almost as amazing as the ones seen from Silvermist. Hadn't been out to sea for a day and he was already wanting to go home. He chuckled quietly; if it hadn't been for his mission, he would still be home. Alone. His smile turned into a frown. Being different wasn't easy. He always did his best to try and make friends, but it never really worked out. BAH. This was his chance to make some friends! He wasn't going to let the fact he was a knight or a lonely little man get in his way! A smile on his face, Dain glided up to the door the captain pointed toward earlier that day while dodging others. He waved to Darshane when he saw him, unsure if the burly darfellan could see him. The key he held nearly slipped out of his hands. It was turning out to be a real hassle. Less so than an actual human sized key, he expected. He landed in front of the door and raised his hand to his face. If he knocked on such a large door, would anyone even hear it? Worth a shot. If he couldn't get the captain's attention, he would just get someone to help him. Another frown crossed his face. He really was helpless in a humans world. He knocked on the door as best he could, looking around for animals of the nightmarish variety. Darn cats.