[quote=@Dedonus] No, the OOC must be like Man of Steel and BvS (although I have not seen the later yet): dark and "serious". :hehe [/quote] So.... what you want me to do is completely ignore it unless there's only story elements to be talked about? You realize this thread would be undead then? Cause right now, you really leave me with little choice as I either be myself (within boundaries suitable for the site) or ignore the OoC until someone calls me. Umm... choices. [quote=@VATROU] Has anyone stopped and thought. Man six thousand and two hundred plus OOC chat messages are a whole lot? I mean man. That's six thousand plus messages. [/quote] Actually, it's not really. Blood Act has about 8755 OOC (2 yrs old too!) and be thankful there's not been any Picture wars! I considered starting one with FacePunch but I think people would've killed me. [quote=@nitemare shape] So I was chatting with Paper and Kali last night when my Internet went down because of an ice storm...which sucked [/quote] I think that combo is actually what might've summoned it in the first place. Something had to stop the conversation before things got... too hot. :brow