God I love hashing out relationships but, I feel that, since Maggie is quite the solitary character, she probably wouldn't strive to know many people from the get-go, at least from where the rp starts, I'm sure she'll definitely branch out more and be up or meeting all kinds of new people soon though! I guess that, in starting rp, she'd definitely at least be passing acquaintances with Andrew and Katie (I think you guys are flatmates now??) since they live right next door to her and there would have inevitably been the odd knock-on-the-door asking to borrow laundry detergent or whatever. And Maggie is definitely a reader so she would certainly frequent the library and see Felix from time to time. If anyone else has any ideas they'd like to throw at me I'd be super grateful, cos I would like to put together a relationship sheet. Maybe if your character takes the Victoria Line in the mornings, or also enjoys taking long walks early in the morning and they happened to bump into each other once or twice? :)) Edit: Altho actually might need to scratch that whoops, turns out Maggie isn't living in 26B my baad