You, so this has everybody complete on it. If anything seems off with your character hit me up, we can compromise or whatever. [hr] [hider=John's Relationships] [center] [h1][color=92A9A7]John Taylor[/color][/h1] [color=4169E1][b][u]Blake Preston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Blake? She's a little too much for me, but she's got a good heart."[/i] Opposites do not particularly attract here. She's just With her, nothing is in reserve and that breeds a little resentment in John who has to always keep himself in check. Plus she's human....yeah. In the end, John just tries to keep a distance for both their sakes. [color=91c5ab][b][u]Daniel Belson[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Dan is all right once you find the hay in the needle stack. He drinks well enough and doesn't pry too much, he's cool in my book."[/i] Dan is old, that much is known. He carries a sadness with him, hidden well enough but still there if you look deep enough. He hasn't done me wrong so I'll return the favor. [color=f9d66c][b][u]Alistair Queen[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Al? You mean the Landlord, uh...he's alright I guess. Keeps the apartment running and doesn't push me around like some others I've been under."[/i] Haven't seen the guy all that much myself, higher up on the socioeconomic totem pole than me. Not human, smells too dusty for that, but since he's the reason this apartment runs I can't say anything bad. Time will tell if he has any skeletons in his closet. [color=thistle][b][u]Mariska Costas[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Mariska's medium is song, mine is skin. We're both in it for the love, fame and dollars are secondary."[/i] She's my friend, the first meaningful one I've made since moving here. She's got my back and I hers, her being here has made everything a little more bearable. [color=plum][b][u]Nikita Yankovsky[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Officer Yankovsky? She's alright for a cop. Seen her slam em back like the best of us so she at least has my respect in that department."[/i] There isn't much for me to say, she has gotten on my ass for drinking in the day but she doesn't have my problem so whatever. We keep to ourselves and that's good enough for us. [color=6ecff6][b][u]Mordred Hame[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Mord? The guy is an artist, but not like me. He's got an ambition in his heart, and I wish him the best as he climbs that ladder."[/i] It was a little tense between us at first, clashing personalities and all that jazz. But one adjustment period and several cigarettes later we've gotten on the same level. [color=#2f556b][b][u]Eve Lumière[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Eve? She's good for a drink but we don't mix all that well, too much oil for my blood."[/i] She's alright but she has a wicked streak hidden in all that energy. Never given her a reason to pin it on me and I'll like it to stay that way. [color=wheat][b][u]Catharine Reid[/u][/b][/color] [i]"You talking about the little Iron Lady? Heh, she's a firecracker that one."[/i] A bonfire to my candle, Cara is definitely someone I do not want to cross. More for my sanity than anything else. I'm sure she's a vamp, which doesn't bother me all that much but I'd prefer she kept her "wine" sealed in flask or something. [color=f26522][b][u]Opallum[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He's cool."[/i] Nothing too much to say about him, he's definitely more than a bum but I don't pry too much. I've shared some drinks with him but besides being an occasional drinking buddy we aren't all that close. [color=#ff8d00][b][u]Andrew Mordekai[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He's a fiery kid, only hope he doesn't get himself hurt."[/i] Definitely a Witch but still human so he gets the same treatment from me, it's nothing personal I'd just prefer to keep Wendigo as quiet as possible. [color=yellowgreen][b][u]Suriel White[/u][/b][/color] [i]"......"[/i] I haven't even formally met her. [color=f2f3f4][b][u]Miles Catrose[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Hmph."[/i] He's a dick. [color=baa880][b][u]Yukiko Abe[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She does good work, It's actually nice to have someone to talk shop with around here."[/i] She's old, probably the oldest person I've ever met. But she works the craft and keeps her nose clean. We don't have anything to hate over. [color=a4d1cf][b][u]Mona[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I don't have much to say about her, she kinda just... blends into the background."[/i] She doesn't fit all that well with me, she seems a little fake. Not all the time, but she just doesn't seem to be telling the truth all the time. Ah, I could just be paranoid. [color=a392b2][b][u]Faron Romane[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He's a good kid, gave me a good luck charm or something once. Wish he took more care of himself honestly, hate to see him burn himself out."[/i] I like him, he's one of those Mother Teresa types. I'm sure he'll do great things one day. [color=khaki][b][u]Nicolas Black[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Officer Black keeps to himself, which is fine for me."[/i] The guy has seen some shit, I can empathize. It's up to him how he lives it out, if he want's to build a fortress around himself then that's his business. [color=BDB76B][b][u]Margaret Spencer-Adeyemi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Maggie keeps to herself, which works for me."[/i] The times I've met her have gone well enough, she just seems to prefer her flat. Works for me, being edible and all. [color=FF8C00][b][u]Megumi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"A little girl? Haven't seen one around here lately."[/i] Haven't seen this girl around here, hope she's ok. [color=3247BA][b][u]Katherine Haynes[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Haven't seen too much of her, apparently she's quite the busy body."[/i] From what I've seen she's a nice girl, sure of hersel and all that. It's better off we haven't seen all that much of each other. [/center] [/hider]