[color=f26522][center][h1]Bobby[/h1][/center][/color] [h2][center][color=ec008c]Emiliano Sebastiano Parisi[/color][/center][/h2] Bobby stared hard at Emiliano. He heard of him, Knew his father. Good man. He grew irritated as he went on with his woe is me attitude. His lips curled up as if he had tasted something nasty, his eyes narrowed and he reached out and slapped the back of the young mans head. Not hard enough to actually knock him out but to gain his attention. "Listen 'ere lad. Ye may not be the best hunter, or well known like ye brother or Fenros. But they are men bred for one purpose. To hunt. They take it to a whole new level of crazy. But because they are great at what they do, and they seem like they are untouchable. It doesn't mean ye are worthless." He scratched the back of his head, trying to think of something easier to explain. "Wot I'm sayin is, ye don't take a sledge hammer to nail in finishin nails. Ye use a proper tool for that. Ye may not be the fastest, nor the strongest, but yer a certain tool that only ye can perform effectively." He bent down and raised an eyebrow. "Ye hear me sonny?" Emiliano grasped the back of his head, a sharp inhale noting his discomfort. Once Bobby was finished with his little speech and Emiliano was done rubbing the back of his head he addressed the bartender, "And what purpose is that Bobby? To mildly inconvenience witches with my ineptitude? Distract them whil the real hunter take their heads off?", he angrily finished his ale before slamming it back down, "You know what I discovered recently? I'm only a Parisi hunter because my brother sabotaged my test! I'm hardly even fit to wash a hunters boots! I can't go home, my father thinks I'm a disgrace! What am I supposed to do? Run in musket raised against whatever witch or beast I find and die to remove myself from the family name? [i]What[/i] possible specialized purpose can I serve?", he was unaware of Bobby's knowledge of his father, but it hardly mattered. He finished his statement with a challenging look to the barkeep. "Yer missin the poin boy. Ye are not like yer father, nor yer brother... Ye understand that clearly, but what ye are missing is what ye are. There has to be something yer good at. Also if ye know ye are a terrible hunter...why do ye still go out and hunt? That's mad Sonny, more so than Fenros, at least he knows his stuff and takes on way more than he can chew to grow stronger, but ye go out knowing that ye are a hot mess and still...your sittin infront of me. Tells me ye are doing sumthing right." He sat down and continued. "You can just stop and find something else to do. But the fact your still hunting and without ye brother tells me something more. " Emiliano sighed... Bobby was right, if he was so bad why was he still hunting? He sighed, "I don't... I guess I'm not helpless Bobby, I've killed like... 4 witches? I guess I'm what, an average hunter? Maybe a bit worse? I don't know Bobby... but average Hunters don't live long. I guess... I must do something particularly good aye?", he had no idea what though. He was only a decent shot, he was generally clumsy... what was he good at? "I... well, I'm pretty good at investigation, gathering info... being prepared for whatever is going to be trying to kill me? I'm not sure..." He then raised a finger, "If ye are at all what I've heard from ye father.... then ye have one trait that ye don't realize thats one of the most important traits a hunter can have..." He leaned closer to him. "Luck." Emiliano looked confused at Bobby, but slowly his brow un-furrowed, "Huh... I guess so... so... what? Do I just... keep hunting then?" "The choice is yers to make laddy, Do not base yer decision solely on how effective yuu are, Being a great hunter does not relate to how strong ye are, or effective with a weapon. I know a few hunters that have the skills to challenge Fenros to a duel and I wouldn't know who would win, but are horrible hunters in comparison to that lad. Wot I'm sayin is that it really counts with why yuu use yer abilities. Why do yuu risk yer life to hunt these monsters?" He said as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his leg. Emiliano had to think on that for a minute, "Because... I'm a Parisi, we have always done so... but, *sigh* no thats not all. They hurt people. Innocent people, guilty people, just people. Werewolves hunt them, Vampires hunt them, the kind of Witch we hunt hunt them and they can't fight back. I may not be the best hunter, but even I am leuges above an ordinary man. We are the only things between them, and the monsters... and I don't think I could stop knowing that truth." "That makes a great hunter, is the knowlege that you are protecting something, not just the money....Now GET YER ARSE OUT THERE!" He said getting up, grabbing the boy and pushing him out the door to catch up with the group. [hr] [center][h1][color=007236]Fenros Digard[/color][/h1][/center][center][h1][color=bc8dbf] Emiliah Hazelbrush [/color][/h1][/center] Fenros looked to Emiliah as she spoke to him again as he adjusted the new gauntlets he had placed on, mostly making sure the finger tips that were sharpened slightly were firmly in place. He heard the testiness of her voice and raised an eyebrow as he looked back to his gauntlets, finishing messing with them he answered, "Yeah... I'll lead this. We are not hunting a normal werewolf pack as it is. Something much worse that cant really be killed." He glanced over the group of hunters that was walking behind him. Just under twenty men, some with cross bows, or bows. many more had swords or axes. The ranged weapons were going to be tricky in the woods, easy to miss their shots at a distance with a bunch of trees in the way. If they were all swords and axes of the sort, it would be easier to formulate a strategy. The best bet was to stay together, leaving the ranged hunters in the distance with no protection wouldn't work, they would be easily picked off by the pack. "And you know that this....werewolf pack is unnaturally unnatural ...because of a few words from a clearly traumatized man?" asked Emiliah, raising an eyebrow, but not loosing pace with Fenros. "Or did you already suspect that the pack was near the area?" If he was already aware of the pack, then she'd probably dig into him for not making the town alert his top priority. Looking to Emiliah again as she asked him questions. He answered quickly. " The man clearly said a pack, No one would say that if they saw one of two. Also I have never heard of a pack of werewolves ANYwhere since about a thousand years ago. I've also never heard of this pack untill today, else i would have told Bobby earlier..." He stopped as she asked another question, "Yes but...how do you know that they can't really be killed?" Perhaps there had been some detail that she missed. She kept replaying the scene over and over again in her head, but nothing in it seemed to point to the fact that they were running towards an army of werewolves who couldn't be killed. If that was, then she had no idea how to proceed. Not that that scared her, one never knew how to aproach a new situation the first time. But.... she had no answers for herself. "And, what tactics work best against an immortal werewolf?" At the use of plurral of werewolves he knew he misspoke, "Werewolf...not werewolves. The others can be killed by normal means. But the Alpha. That's a different story, The only time in history that werewolves created a pack was about a thousand years ago. The Alpha werewolf was named Varoth, He is a Demon Lord, one of my ancestors managed to send him back to hell for one thousand years, so he can't be killed by normal means, he needs to be exorcised just like any demon would be, But a normal priest is not able to, they don't have the proper training to do so, and they speak in latin which is ineffective." He turned his head to the group, and suddenly switched subjects. "Alright We are all going to stick together in there. No one is to wonder off by themselves. All the ranged hunters stick to the middle while the rest surround them. Once we find the pack we are going to hit them head on, but do NOT Break formation, We cannot allow the ranged hunters to be hit, as they pick off the wolves at a greater distance. To everyone who has any kind of oil pass them up to me for a moment. He then turned forward again as Alltia reached the first trees of the forest and sniffed, looking back she said, "I don't smell any near by.... But deeper in I do. There are many of them Fenros..." He stopped and asked her, "How many Alltia..." "I can't tell, but there are more than us I can tell you. Plus four humans..." She said low grumble. /The plan seems simple. Or rather, the ....plan part of it was, but following it might be were the difficulty is/ thought Emiliah, looking around to make sure that the rest of their ragtag group seemed ready and willing to follow the plan. For the most part, they all seemed more than eager, a few looked as though they were only there because Bobby wouldn't have let them stay and only a headful looked as though they were ready now to break formation. Her thoughts distracted her from Fenros for a second. When she looked back, it seemed like was ...concentrating, very hard while looking at the wolf near the edge of the clearing. "Well," she said. "I think we are as ready as we will ever be,"She also wanted to get moving before more of the men split into the category of 'ready to bolt'. He nodded and turned back to the group to recieve the oil they all had, in a leather satchel, the vials clattering softly as they moved. He bowed his head and closed his eyes and then spoke in a different tounge. "הו אבינו שבשמים , על ידי הכח והסמכות נתת לי , אני מברך שמן אלה כי הם יוכלו מקודשים עבור ציד השדים ומכשפות . דרך בנך , ישוע המשיח , אמן" After he was done speaking he passed the oil back to everyone and said, "Now it's blessed, just like Holy water it will burn any unholy thing. But this is more powerful, as the oil is more pure, the stronger it burns, with the added ability to actually burn on top of that. Save that for the Alpha when I say!" He waited another second and then continued, "There are four people in the forest! two I am assuming are hunters who didn't know what they walked into. The other two are possibly the family members of the man, We must save them, it is our duty as Hunters to protect those who cannot protect themselves against the monsters in the dark. You might be scared, that is apart of this job. But Over come it! Become stronger! YOU Hold your life in your hands! It's your choice if you die here or not! As we stand together we will not fall!" He pulled his sword off his back. and motioned them to follow him, as he started for the forest, he then said, "While we are in there I need you to guard my back, I cannot be caught off guard if we are to defeat Varoth." The strange language danced through her head as Fenros spoke. The words all blending together, but she felt a spark of...power? Emiliah felt like there was a better word to describe the situation, but is escaped her. But /that/ /that/ was the type of stuff Emiliah had been hoping to learn from Fenros, so perhaps this was not all in waste. Not the stratgey, but but having to ability to create something as potent as that on her....now that was a valuable tool. The harddest part at the moment, was the fact that she had to pull her speed. Moving as a herd made them undoubtedly slower. Think about the humans that were at risk made the pace seem even more agonising. As soon as they entered the forest, a sort of hush seemed to settle over them. She started seeing werewolves in every shadow, but none seemed to truly be around. In fact...the whole area seemed...empty. Suddenly a voice seemed to echo from everywhere. A deep voice, "Once you two become my new followers, I will continue to hunt every hunter and make them into werewolves, and create a powerful army to take over the world and become the only and true God here." The voice seemed like it was being used right by her ear, yet...she knew that couldn't be. A few moment later, they arrived at a clearning, in the center were two of the humans, and on the far side, the hunters. Varoth Snarled at Clay as he held him in his massive claws. "You will be the first of this batch," Snapping could be heard as his bones started to heal at an alarming rate. Fenros noted the girl hunter on the ground behind the Demon Lord. With their party now close together, Fenros rose his left arm to form a square and again spoke in the diffrent tounge. "בשם האב , ובנו , ישו ועל ידי הכוח והסמכות של הכהונה מלכיצדק שאני מחזיק . אנכי מצוה אתכם , נפל אחיו של המלאכים לשחרר את הגוף הזה אשר ברשותך . כדי לחזור אשר באת, ולעולם לא לחזור." As soon as he started to speak, Varoth the Demon Lord began to howl in pain and anger, dropping clay from his grasp as he reached up to hold his head, his bones which were almost healed stopped as he fell to his knees, he began to thrash around for a moment before yelling, "WHY IS THERE AN ELDER!? KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL MY SERVENTS!" As he said, the forrest seemed to come alive with many red eyes and howls that could chill anyone to the bone. They came out of the tree's that surrounded the clearing, There was about twenty to twenty five of them. Alltia growled, as her hair stood on end. "What are you waiting for Fenros...kill it!" "It takes time Alltia!" He snaped back out loud and he yelled, "Do not fear! Our Father in heaven is on our side! PUSH YOUR WAY TO THE GIRLS!" There were so many werewolves. Within a few second, three of the hunters who had strayed too far from the group were down. Dead. Hopefully. None the less, the rest of the group pressed forward, heading towards the girls in the center of the clearing. The girls seemed frozen with fear, but they were soon convered. A few of the wolves fell from the long range wepondary, and now they seemed a little more hestant to get too close. Fenros seemed to be shouting...encouragement or....something. A brave werewolf jump towards them, Emiliah quickly downed it with her net before ending it with a little more force then needed. There were a million more questions running through her head, but now was not the time to start asking them. In a few moments later and she had three more down by her feet. "If you are going to do something, better start now!" Clay hit the ground, hard, he felt his legs give out when he fell. Now all he could see was the stars and the demon wolf somewhere off to the side. He could hear the voice of other hunters, but he was also aware of the massive amounts of weres that now filled the clearing. The demon were seemed properly distracted, so Clay chose to crawl over towards Senna, he hadn't seen her move in a while and that was... a little concerning. "Your not dead right?" he asked, his voice coming out surprisingly horce from having behind held by his neck only a moment before. "Don't be dead, I'd hate to have to find a new partner," [i][color=ed1c24][center][h1]Alexina[/h1][/center][/color][/i] "And where are we going? A castle? There aren't /lords/ in it are there?" He was going to say witches or lords, but in present company it was better to just ask about one of the two greatest evils in the world. As she continued to run she heard the boy ask about the were wolves and how she knew... With out looking back at him she quickly said in 'as a matter of tone' "I can speak with all the forest animals. They let me know if there is any danger, so I can respond properly, and inform Lady Bloodrose." Then turning to his other question, "It's she who is the master of the Castle, the head of our Coven." She said with relatively ease as she ran. Growing up she often ran through the woods with wolves and has much more endurance than most witches...or regular humans or hunters as well. They soon made their way to the edge of the forest to where the castle was hidden by an illusion. It only looked like more thick woods, almost impassible but of course She and Elina knew better. She stopped and allowed the other two to catch their breaths as she lightly touched the edge of the illusion. Whispering a few words needed to see through it. As soon as the words escaped her mouth, a small opening big enough for all them appeared, revealing a massive castle behind it. She smiled and looked at the boy and said, "Welcome to Castle Bloodrose, safe haven of witches. I'm sure Lady Medusa Bloodrose would love to meet you. Follow me." She said with a smile. Where most would have been warry of this boy that could be a hunter. she saw a potential, not many men practiced magic, and with him and a little training, he could easily fool hunters and protect the coven. But it be up to Medusa. Elina had been quiet, as she normally was... she was very unlike her twin sister, she even wondered if they WERE sisters. But that wasn't her position to pry, though she did hear she had the chance to sacrifice a powerful hunter and didn't take it. Strange as that was she was very pleasant to be around and didn't want to upset anything by asking. She looked to Elina. "You are free to join us to inform lady Bloodrose of the werewolves and our guest if you wish...unless of course, you have more pressing matters."