It bothers me when someone takes something personally IRL that happened in RP. Or the RP fizzles out because they dont like something. Especially if it was collaboration. If you didn't like the idea you should have said so. Don't take it personal and don't get mad at me (especially when you were the one who just went along with it, regardless of the chance to disagree) This has happened to me a lot and it bugs me. If it's agreed upon, I don't see why people get so IRL upset. And then they end up having some kind of grudge against you so it makes things awkward and difficult. Particularly if you are trying to avoid them after but then want to join something they are in lol. Side note: it also bugs me how cruel "long time" RPrs or even members to the site they are on can be. Yes, I understand you have paid your dues and are now "experts" at how things worked, but everyone started off not a RPr before they became one. So I don't understand the animosity. Sure, it gets tiring when you have to deal with the same problems (like more than one kid in kindergarten is going to act out or have accidents) but none of us can "improve" if we don't have that someone to teach us (or at least an opportunity to practice). Its like the last generation saying how messed up this one is, when they were the ones we modeled after. That said, new RPrs need to not be so touchy about criticism (though, I think a lot of the touchiness can come from how the criticism was delivered... buuut that's a whole other rant lol) Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every long stander needs to help newbies (and that every newbie or ORP has any specific level of Writing), and there are a lot of factors that can play into it all, but the ones who are mean about it are the ones who bother me most. - this also semi-goes along with the whole animosity towards new RPrs in an actual RP. If it's been going on a while, and you are all comfortable with how things are rolling, then close the RP. Not here per say, but on other sites, I have been welcomed into a RP by a few people, but then some of the others don't like the change that inevitably happens with new characters, so I end up leaving due to something or other because they didn't voice their opinions, and that in itself can lead to the atmosphere sucking when they are just stewing behind their screen secretly holding a vendetta lol (also fits with the "if you don't like something just say so, and nothing is ever personal IRL" part) Phew... I just wanna say, there are obviously a few factors involved to create the situations I mentioned, but I have been in them enough in other places that I just thought I'd "bitch" about it and get it out before I really even started anything ^^ (cause that always makes a good first impression =^ω^= haha)