[h3]AtomicNut and Apollosarcher[/h3] Ariin escaped the room after hearing about promotions, deciding now would be a good time for his less than legal hobby. He went into the cafeteria and collected his meal, then he set about finding a way back behind the counter and into the kitchen. He sat down at a table, watching the cooks and serves carefully as well the few camera's in the room. He was cassing the place for a daring theft, to make a cake, oh how the once great thief had fallen. "Heeeeey....bro, twitchyeye...whadeva." 'Sigma's' voice was heard behind the young daring pilot. Her petite frame swayed back and forth, a flask of a strong liquor in her hand. In her breath. She was flat out drunk, with her plugsuit half undone, and obviously leaning a little bit too much in Ariin's personal space."Whatcha doin'?" Something wasn't right. She couldn't get so drunk too quickly, much less teleport into the cafeteria that quickly. That wasn't Sigma. The real Sigma was just crossing the cafeteria´s door, one of her hands clasped in her mouth, letting a little gasp as the emotions overwhelmed her. "Iota..." the REAL Sigma said, discovering the double's true appearance. Ariin was a little worried at first, granted he had twin sisters but well Iota and Sigma looked, even sounded the same. He looked at Sigma, mouthing the word help then smiled at Iota. "Hi Iota? Something I can help you with?" He asked trying to be friendly, he knew this girl was drunk but she was still a trained fighter. If she was looking for payback, well he'd have quite the fight before him. Still he hoped Sigma could come over and fix this, he really didn't want to admit he was preparing to steal supplies for a cake... Lorenzo would eat him alive or have Irina do it for him. Sigma stood there, flabbergasted. The usual calm and collected pilot did nothing, her eyes darting forth and back. She tried to stretch a hand, and do a step, but to no avail. "You, fuckin' twitchdumbeye." Iota staggered as she pulled her hair back, plopping in a chair, almost not miracously falling over. "Give em back. My fellow clo...sisssters. GIVE THEM BACK. YOU ALL FUCKING MURDERERS!" She yelled on top of her lungs, before breaking into sobs, no doubt influenced by the alcohol, but also by a state of immense grief. "It...fucking hurts...we dolls, fucking hurt...y'know. You're cruel gods..." Iota blabbered. "And you're the worst of them, Siggy Piggy!" Iota babbled."You fuckin' held back. On me. You had mercy on me. Well, do you feel better now? You only spared me, a..." she took another swig of her booze..."fucking underage drunyard doll. Ain't you feeling now a bit better, like the...the.." She got up, before pathetically tumbling backwards..."Holy Virgin Mary or whateves..." Ariin sighed, looking away from her, Iota wasn't lying, he had killed that girl another clone, dolls as they seemed to be called. He didn't want to, hell he didn't do going in that they were going to die. He tears up a little when he was how she cried, he could only remember how he would feel if he lost his siblings. "Sigma's not to blame." He said getting up taking the booze away from the clone. "Neither are you. It's this war, the things they are allowed to get away with, it's because their is a war on." He stood up offering her a hand up. "You are not a doll in my eyes, your the same as me... A human being, same as Sigma over there humans. My allies, people I should be protecting and serving alongside not killing because Lorenzo orders it." He answered flatly staring at Iota. "I'm sorry I killed your sister, hell I'm sorry I never got to meet her. You've got to know I didn't know who the pilots were going in." He sat down on the bench, reaching into suit, he'd tucked a picture just inside his collar. "Here take a look. I've got sisters to... My only family. I would be in the same you are now if I lost them. You need to live though, you really think they would be proud of you drinking and crying, yelling at some guy to bring them back?" He asked offering her a hand up off the ground. Sigma stood there, silently taking each one of her daggers, each one of Iota's grieving statemets. "...I...I knew the pilots. I realized it as soon we heard the first one die... but, what...could...I...I'm just...a doll...too. I must...I tried..." Sigma staggered. "I tried to twist the orders...eliminate without killing, but I couldn't command others...I'm just a failure." She began walking towards Iota. Iota looked first at Ariin, her words becoming slow..."We're not human...it's okay for y...you to kill us. We're manmade humans. Sigma and I...Homunculus project." She stuttered, before continuing. "But Sigma is the success...she's meant to become a real person...and she squanders it...BY SHOWING MERCY AND..." Sigma's reflexes fired up, as Iota convulsed and lashed, grabbing Ariin before Iota's lunge was proven fatal. And the gunk came out of her mouth like a geiser. Vomit was a bitch to clean from suits. "That was close..." "Well that's not pretty." Ariin sighed looking at Sigma. "Sigma... She's wrong, being human means having compassion, mercy, and caring for others. Irina is the real monster, the way she acted I'd say your more human than her." He answered. "Why don't you watch her for a moment... I'll get something to clean up with." He smiled a little, his robotic eye turning blue. He had a perfect moment for a good caper while the staff were distracted by Iota. Ariin patted Sigma's head then headed out of her view slipping towards the kitchen, hoping to be in and out before Sigma got curious as to why he went this way. He had a feeling she would report him either way, even if he was doing this for her. Sigma tilted her head, an inquisitive gesture in her mind, her social graces failing to garner any kind of meaning behind that pat on the head. Her eyes were set on Iota's trembling, gasping figure. "Iota." Sigma clenched her fist. "I've made many blunders... but you're the one blunder I do not regret. If you were dead, you couldn't talk back to me one last time, yes?" Her hands reached for her clone, shouldering her weight and straightening her up. "Dum spiro, spero." Sigma said. "While I breathe and hope." "Heh, you sound like Alpha, Sigma. I'm supposed to be the eldest...one. But somehow..." Iota chuckled so slightly. "I suppose that being exposed to others made me rethink my identity, not as an extension as Irina...but as myself." Sigma added. "And now...you'll do it too." Iota looked at Sigma, at loss. She had no words for what the fellow clone said. Finally, she managed to piece something together. "Sig..gy...I think...no...he headed from where I snatched the booze..." "WHAT?" Sigma exclaimed. "Pa-pantry raid...just like we used to do, no?" Iota smirked, before being unceremonously tossed into a chair, letting a yelp. "PILOT ARIIN!" Sigma raised her voice as she stomped towards where he had gone. Ariin had just finished getting the boxes of strawberries, the last thing he needed. When he heard Sigma yell his name, he rushed out stuffing a strawberry in her mouth he glared her. "Shut up, I'm stealing you a cake. I promised you one and no way in help would Lorenzo let a known thief have free roam in the kitchen." He added showing her the ingredigents. "I got enough that I can make one big enough you can share with Iota now please stop yelling." He finished speaking as watched the camera's rotation. "Mmmrfuf." Sigma's quells were rapidly silenced as the red, juicy morsel made its way into her mouth. She didn't talk more, but... something outrageous happened. A pout. Sigma.Was.Pouting. And, upon seeing that, the mentally unstable Iota couldn't hold it. She laughed hysterically, falling in the floor as she did so. And incidentally, drew the attention of the guards. Ariin ducked out of the cafeteria, finding an old abandoned looking locker he stuff the food inside. Then returned the room and chuckled a little at Sigma, pouting, that was pretty funny considering how up tight she was when they met. "Well Siggy you are growing as person, now why don't I help you get Iota back to her room before he rolls in her own puke? Then we can see out your cake? After all, I bet you and Iota have never had a birthday party." He patted her head as he started towards the drunk girl. "Stop doing that." Sigma's pout fiercely intensified. "Unless you want to see how much I can resemble Irina." The young pilot snarled in annoyance. "And for your information, I can make birthday cakes aswell..." "She ends up eating the biggest share, though." Iota vocalized, after her fit. "Siggy is a sugar maniac." The other clone ventured to say. "Aaaand...OW" She cut herself short as an upside down fist collided with her head. "Come on, you damn drunk doll." Sigma finally said, before grabbing her by the collar of the plugsuit into the living quarters. Ariin chuckled as Iota spoke. "Sigma I wouldn't I was younger than you and smaller when I killed two grown men, armed soldiers... With my bare hands." He warned her, knowing that in close quarters he could be quite fighter. "Now you and Iota go... Oh and Siggy, I do want you to know that I'm your friend... And if anyone calls you a doll... Well I already told what happened to the last guys who threatened someone I cared for." He gave her a smile, eye even giving a happy face as he turned to go recover his stolen goods and bake a cake.