[quote=@The Mad Hatter] [@Hillan] Actually, I agree that it seems you've have both understood and temporarily sated out worries. I will be keeping an eye on you, though, for any more of those "writing issues"/"wording errors" because they can really cause a huge fuss if people misunderstand (trust me, I've seen it happen). Also, my condolences on being Swedish. I know you can't help it. And Happy Easter to you, too (even though it's not Easter yet). [@Halvtand] I'll have a look-see at your sheet and judge you very harshly. But I've slept in today, so I've only just gotten up and need to finish my belated morning routine first. [@Bishop][@MMGiru][@Ciphra][@alexfangtalon] How's everything coming along, guys? I don't like how quiet you are. [/quote] I work in PM/In the background, so don't worry haha, I'm also PMing Halvtand, so yeah...