[color=fff79a][center][h3]~Senna~[/h3][/center][/color] Ugh, she had gotten a bit careless, didn't she? As senna laid on the ground, she could barely hear what was going on around her. Seemed like the other hunters had finally arrived. About goddamn time they got off their asses and showed up. Late to the party as they always were. She wasn't going to be missing this party, either. Blood was being spilled, and it was making her more than a little excited. She wasn't going to be missing out on this. Not one goddamn second. [color=fff79a]"If ye think something like that is going to off me,"[/color] Senna replied to clay. [color=fff79a]"You really must not know how goddamn stubborn I am."[/color] The black clad hunter pushed herself to her feet, using her axe to help. She had definitely broken something. Probably a rib, but she'd deal with that later. Nothing a little bed rest and drink couldn't heal. As soon as she was on her feet, she took a look at the chaos unfolding around her. Werewolves and hunters engaged right in combat, and she felt right at home. Whatever that Fenros fellow was doing, was doing a pretty damn good job of holding down that ugly big one too. Heh, maybe he was as good as Bobby had said, then. [color=fff79a]"Hope you're ready to earn your pay, Clay!"[/color] she said. [color=fff79a]"Because I'm going...to kill these fleabags."[/color] [@Aerandir][@Ellion]