[@Wick] It stands for 'social justice warrior' it started being popular around the time gamergate started (partly though not entirely for) thousands throwing out blanket statements that all gamers were rasict and sexist. And thats the main thing they 'stand for' overall. Usually trying to call out what they see or who they see as evil for political diffrences or whats sexist and rascist and getting it change through complaints or demanding censorship or limits to free speech. (Depending on who you ask. It could literally be everything.) I wont try to demonize everyone under it but in general its politically the extremist left. It's biggest oppenents, Usually are liberals or less extreme left figuring their desire to ban or censor free speech more often than not is making the left look bad. Im sure youll have differing opinions on exactly "what it is" I'd send you links but I have no PC since I'm with my parents for Easter.