[hider=Nicolas’ Relationships] [center][h1][color=khaki]Nicolas Black[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/21/85/cb/2185cb7fcf8c8a42abc218dc45d79263.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=4169E1][b][u]Blake Preston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"That kid shouldn’t be living here – there’s nothing wrong with being a free spirit, but if she continues the way she is, she may just end up being more spirit-like than anyone would like."[/i] She seems like a spunky kid, but Hell, she’s way too comfortable hanging around Supes. I just thank God she’s bunking with someone like Eve – she can look after her. I’d like to spend some time trying to talk some sense into her, but I know there’s no point. She’s as fucking stubborn as myself. ~ [color=91c5ab][b][u]Daniel Belson[/u][/b][/color] [i]"There’s plenty of mystery on the streets of London – Danny Boy certainly takes up a good portion of that."[/i] I can’t work that guy out – he smokes and drinks even more than I do, but I can’t decide what his reasons are. Nor do I know what kind of Supe he is – my best bet is something that brings immortality along with it. There’s old age hidden away in those eyes. ~ [color=f9d66c][b][u]Alistair Queen[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Hah. He fits his last name well with all the people wrapped around his little finger."[/i] I have some form of grudging respect for the guy. He’s likable, and we get along well enough. However, he’s like a businessman in every aspect of his personality. Ever word is chosen carefully, every kind act – that’s why I don’t particularly enjoy asking favours of him. I know he’ll remember it when the time comes for it to suit him. ~ [color=thistle][b][u]Mariska Costas[/u][/b][/color] [i]"All I know about her is that she’s got a hell of a voice, and definitely isn’t human."[/i] I’ve never smelt someone like her. That... came out creepier than I intended. But since my change, the scents of people have become a lot more important. And hers is a unique one, so far. Reminds me of the Mediterranean – so does her personality. Emotional, fiery, and colourful. I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or bad just yet. ~ [color=plum][b][u]Nikita Yankovsky[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She reminds me of myself – may explain why she’s not particularly dear to me."[/i] Nikki rubs me the wrong way – I’m still not sure why. I don’t think she takes the job seriously, which pisses me of, certainly. But there’s just something antagonising about her... it’s got to be her race. Whatever it is, it gets my blood boiling. It hardly helps that we live together either. ~ [color=6ecff6][b][u]Mordred Hame[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I don’t like nor dislike the kid. Guess I don’t know him well enough to make a good enough judgement."[/i] Seems to be doing well for himself on the music front – although I can’t work out why he’s staying in a place like Faraday Heights with the money he’s raking in. ~ [color=92A9A7][b][u]John Taylor[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I like the guy well enough – but he reminds me of an elastic band that’s been pulled too tight for too long."[/i] He seems down-to-earth and kind, but good God, there’s something unsettling behind that calm facade. I don’t know what he is, but something tells me he’s very close to the edge. I’d hate to be around when he eventually snaps; something tells me he wouldn’t be one to leave someone alive. ~ [color=#2f556b][b][u]Eve Lumière[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Pretty sweet for a demon. I enjoy pissing her off by constantly ordering the cheap stuff. Little does she know I have a palette for the good malts beyond my alcoholic needs. I’ll surprise her one day. "[/i] She can sometimes crack a smile out of me, which is a rarity for people these days. I’m comfortable drinking with her; sure she’s good for a sober night out too. ~ [color=wheat][b][u]Catharine Reid[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She reminds me of my cat; small, cute, and very capable of clawing your damn eyes out then calmly lick away your blood, while sat on your corpse."[/i] Despite her almost childish fire, it’s obvious there’s some age hidden there. My guess would be Vampire – which would explain why she always looks sad when seeing children with their parents. I wanted to have kids too, once upon a time. I can understand that feeling of loss. ~ [color=f26522][b][u]Opallum[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I feel bad for the guy – he obviously doesn’t have any skills to get a job. But he seems pretty happy at where he is."[/i] The guy smells like a bonfire to me. Pair that with his lack of home and job, and confusion over certain ‘human’ things, it’s obvious he was dumped here by some Supe without being told which way was up or down. Damn shame – I have a feeling he has potential. ~ [color=#ff8d00][b][u]Andrew Mordekai[/u][/b][/color] [i]"There’s a fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist. I’ll be ready if he does cross that line."[/i] Reminds me of a modern-day, Other Robin Hood. Except he fights for his own rather than the poor – which can be a dangerous path to take. Hopefully he doesn’t fall in with a bad group who’ll want him to use his fire magic for more destructive uses. ~ [color=yellowgreen][b][u]Suriel White[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Unless Heaven can magically solve all my problems like the sermons promise, I don’t want anything to do with Suriel."[/i] I don’t like hospitals; I don’t like Doctors; and I have a very strained relationship with God and his ‘Angels’. Let’s just say it’s not only our last names that show our opposites with one another. ~ [color=f2f3f4][b][u]Miles Catrose[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Phew. If people were drugs, this kid would be acid. Mixed with sherbert and popping candy."[/i] He’s [b]got[/b] to be a Fae of some kind. The few times I’ve seen him he’s been cocky, abrasive, and yet pulled it off to be acting like an impish child with way too much energy. Are Imps a thing? Hell, there’s too many to keep track of. Either way, I wouldn’t trust him near my hair. Probably go all Sweeney Todd on me or something. ~ [color=baa880][b][u]Yukiko Abe[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I like her. Nice balance of calm energy and mischief."[/i] I don’t know her that well, but I can tell there’s something hidden behind that quietness of hers. Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t know – but I’m happy not knowing for the time being. ~ [color=a4d1cf][b][u]Mona[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Poor girl has a fate worse than many of us, I reckon."[/i] I’ve briefly met her, and my first thought was one of sympathy. She’s a Ghost – not just in body, but in mind. She’s lost who she was before she died, for the most part. I sometimes look through the cold cases, see if I can find more information for her. Perhaps it’s that closure she’s missing that’s stopping her form moving on. ~ [color=a392b2][b][u]Faron Romane[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Gotta have balls to both piss off the magic community, and smoke weed in the same house as two cops."[/i] He’s okay – I’m not one to be hung up on marijuana, because shit, alcohol is arguably a worse drug and I’m the biggest fucking advocate for it. Anyway; Faron. He’s doing okay for himself, moving out of his Mam’s house. Still a bit off-putting, though; living with someone who can hear the dead speak. I deal with death enough with my work. Also, our cat’s don’t get along – which is funny, until you hear them fighting at 3 in the fucking morning. Like I didn't get enough sleep to begin with. ~ [color=BDB76B][b][u]Maggie Spencer-Adeyemi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Another Witch? Well... at least it’s Elemental Magic she prefers. I don’t want to see a bunch of skeletons wandering around the neighbourhood."[/i] Another young girl who may just find herself swimming to too deep waters. I hope she sticks to her flowers rather than delving too deeply into magic she can’t control. I don’t know much about magic, myself; but I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about spells gone wrong. ~ [color=FF8C00][b][u]Megumi [/u][/b][/color] [i]"There just had to be a poor kid in this godforsaken Other community, didn’t there? She deserved a normal life and a chance to grow up."[/i] I can’t even pronounce what creature she is, but whatever it is, it’s unfair to her. I just hope that bloodsucker Queen looks after her okay – I’d be concerned, having a kid live with a Vampire, but I’m no idiot. I know Megumi’s older than my Grandparents, let alone me. ~ [color=3247BA][b][u]Katherine Haynes[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Word is that she’s had a difficult life. I can sympathise."[/i] I haven’t seen her all that much, but she seems a good kid. Doing well in Uni, despite some obvious issues. Hopefully she doesn’t get too involved with her roommate – Witches may make good friends, but Activists? Debatable. ~ [color=e5748b][b][u]Felix Underwood [/u][/b][/color] [i]"What's so fascinating about the dead? Surely there are enough spirits left on earth without sticking your nose into the afterlife?"[/i] Out of all the paths a Witch could take, I can't fathom why they'd study the dead. We're all aware that an Afterlife exists - one of the few calming reassurances I took from the Other community coming out - so why bother delving into it further? Surely there are things we aren't meant to know. As for the girl herself, she seems alright. A hard-worker, that's obvious; alongside some serious issues with tact. ~ [color=B0C4DE][b][u]Elise Callaghan [/u][/b][/color] [i]"Beautiful and quiet. A lot of guys like that in a woman. Personally, I’d rather find out why she doesn’t speak."[/i] Another uniquely-smelling Other. I’m not sure what she is, nor what her story tells. However, I’m not one to press such matters. It’s obvious she doesn’t want to talk about her past, regardless of muteness. Seems like a sweet girl, though. ~ [color=FFFFFF][b][u] Claire O’Malley [/u][/b][/color] [i]"What your character will say out loud about them."[/i] Write what they actually think about this character here ~ [color=00aeef][b][u]Barachiel Eamon [/u][/b][/color] [i]"Perfect. Another fucking Angel. "[/i] I can’t decide if it’s worse or better that he works with children. It doesn’t sit right with me, that’s all I know for sure. ~ [color=red][b][u]Stefani Roche [/u][/b][/color] [i]"Poor kid. I'd like to get my hands on the son of a bitch who did that too her. It's unforgivable."[/i] I feel bad about what happened, but I've heard rumours of her... "eating disorder". Regardless of sympathy, I'll be sure to keep an eye on her. The last thing anyone needs is her ripping some poor fools' throat out in a crowded place. ~ [color=00FF7F][b][u]Ethan Cooper [/u][/b][/color] [i]"He's been temped by the "Dark Side." Heh. I can't blame him. It's more than seductive."[/i] He seems like a nice kid - I just hope Daniel doesn't do anything to hurt him. Are demons even capable of love? Who knows. ~ [color=Mediumseagreen][b][u] Alfie Liau[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Bloodsucker number four: he seems to match his race better than the others, which is troublesome."[/i] He comes across as innocent, but I know he's taken a few lives. That doesn't bother me so much - it's his apathy that's a concern. ~ [/center][/hider] ^^ Relationships all done, barring a few as the CS' haven't been finished as of yet. Let me know if you disagree with anything! :D