I didn't forget you watched that fight, I was prepared for that. I actually edited the sheet in this version to expound on majority of the grey areas from that fight. He does not have a magical answer for everyrhing, he specializes in about, what, three of the eight general schools of magic? Majority of what he uses is a mechanical understanding of magic and the world around him. That's where most of his answers come from. Not the sheer scope of his ability. How is he any different than the hundreds of elemental masters running around with total mastery over the elements? How is he any different than any other tank who can give a punch and sustain a punch? I also never said or even insinuated he had access to every single spell in a class. I gave spells in those classes as examples of things he perhaps could do, to paint a better picture of his scope, since my opponent did not think evocative magic included the elements. So I'm really not sure exactly how your list is ordered, but Corban is no more or less balanced with strengths and weaknesses than any other character intuitively is. I mean, just scrolling through all of the energy-eating, city destroying things, coupled with the ludicrous levels of power I've been subjected to in my many years doing this, Corban is just really not that bad. Edit: tone doesn't translate well over text, so just so you know, I'm not looking to start an argument. If you think he's OP that's perfectly fine, I am just not entirely sure why.