[@Ace of Hearts] You go to a country where freedom of speech isn't considered an unalienable right and see whether you're still saying that. Christ. I don't know why [i]everything[/i] needs to be so polarised all of the time. It's like you people enjoy it. There's no reason to be a dick - saying sexist, racist, or transphobic things is not cool. Calling people out for doing those things is fine but unless they incite violence there's no need to lock people up or arrest people for [i]saying[/i] things. At the same time, branding anyone that has a social conscience or takes exception to your use of inappropriate language a "SJW" is a dick move too. There is a path between being a red pill men's rights activists that hates women and a SJW that wants to show the world they're so progressive they take away our freedoms. So let's stop pretending it's one or the other, can we? Because it's not.