[center][h3][color=39b54a]Liam[/color]&[color=00aeef]Matt[/color][/h3][/center] Liam stood at the doorway, blinking in a mixture of confusion and surprise as the two women bolted off towards Matt's room. At first, he didn't pay it much attention at first, merely dismissing their antics as the result of offering Matt's attire. As he turned to exit, he paused a moment as he recalled Sam's earlier comment. With a subtle blush and a slight shudder, he continued his original route his. Doing his best to keep his attention forward, his gaze would fall upon another woman and her companion walking down the corridor to Matt's apartment. As she gave him a slight grin, he could help but return the gesture- bowing his head in respect as he made his way past. It was then his attention fell to the male, seeming to pause a moment before turning to address him. "[color=39b54a]It's about time you made it. You missed all the fun.[/color]" Liam called out with a telling smirk, turning his gaze forward once more as he made his departure. Inside however, Matt remained silent. The energetic antics of the women with his home garnered no attention as he sat there as is in a daze. His mind was currently trying to process everything that had transpired: the arrival of their powers, the sudden murder, the following murder, and now the near super-human brawl that nearly transpired. All at once, his ambition and foresight lost their clarity as be truly saw the destructive nature of things he couldn't control. It was different to be a shot caller in the game itself; if someone dies they simply returned a few seconds later to continue the fight. However, now everything was completely different. There were no exceptable losses or deaths... His trance was quickly broken by the entrance of two more individuals, one male and one female. Before he could even respond, the female made her announcement of being 'like them'. At first, Matt grew wary flexing the muscles in his hand as he prepared to summon his weapon. It was then that his vision fell to the male from earlier, causing Matt to give a heavy sigh as he relaxed his grip. "[color=00aeef]You're late. Better then never I suppose.[/color]" It was then that his vision returned to Vicki, "[color=00aeef]I'm going to assume you've wound up with powers from League. Right?[/color]" With that he rightened himself in his chair, motioning to an empty seat at his side. [hr] [h3][center]????[/center][/h3] Once more the girl would squeak in fear, his once calm demeanor once again waivering into discomfort as she followed the clone's 'insistence' with a staggered step. Quickly she round, seeming to fear being flanked as she retreated back further into the room. It was clear, she was trying to muster up some form of courage. "W-Wait. Jericho will contact you with jobs and information..." She said, attempting to stop the shakiness of her voice, "Otherwise, you're free to do as you wish. Well, other then wanton killing. We can't give ourselves away to early, or we risk being prosecuted." With this, her gaze fell to the side, "People won't understand... They never understand. They see someone different and label them as a threat." This particular remark seemed to hit home with her as her eyes momentarily filled with tears, quickly being wiped away as she glanced past the clone to the door; then back to Garret, "I-If it's ok with you. I really need to go." [hr][hr] [color=ed1c24][b]WARNING!: TIME SKIP WILL OCCUR NEXT GM POST! PLEASE WRAP UP ALL INTERACTIONS BEFORE NEXT UPDATE.[/b][/color] [@Kiroue][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@TheWinchester4][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@Adalrod][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@Eklispe][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@rivaan][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@Zelosse][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@Cubix][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img]