Name: Ansiel Fas Nickname: House of cards. She gained this name because the other marines said if she was a house of cards you still couldn't knock her down and also because of her armor's unique color scheme. Age: 24 Class: Adepta Sororitas Equipment: -Two modified bolters with increased magazine and fire rate. They were given to her as a gift from her old commander as he was dying that she later painted black with a blood read trim. -A custom frost blade that is longer than normal and is named Agony. It is completely redesigned using sister of battle decorations for the hilt. When on it's blades generate heat and even create blue flames on the chain and body of the sword. When this happens it becomes super heated which allows it cut through heavy armor like butter. It is made of a realy strong material with a really high melting and freezing points to combat the heat and to keep it from melting and destroying itself. It is painted Black and stained with blood. -A set of sisters power armor with the right arm and left leg painted blood red and the rest is painted black. -4x krak grenade. Notable Deeds: -[[b]battle of Tyranids[/b]] Ansiel has Ben in countless battles and has killed many enemies throughout them, but on one occasion the squad she had been fighting a horde of tyranadid's and her team had fallen and she was the only one left, that's when a large tyrandid attacked her. She had held it off with her bolters. And finally killed it with a shot to the head with one of her comrades plasma guns. -[[b]let the purging begin[/b]] In a valley her squad and her commander were stationed in a camp surveying the area, there had been sittings in the area and they were sent to cherch it out. They were in camp when they were attacked by heretics. They had killed most of her squad, but a few managed to escape, but her commander and another soldier were shot and bleeding out, she managed to well, play dead if you will. That's when her commander gave her the bolters before he died. She put them both in hand and said "let the purging begin" as she flanked and shot the heretics down. -[[b]it was worth it[/b]] Anisel tended to well, flirt... With the other sisters of war which most of the time got her in trouble. Every time she did this they would up the punishment. It started run three miles and after a short while it became do 1,000 push-ups. Getting wors every time she still didn't stop, she had to much pride. She would endure the punishments knowing all it would do is make her stronger. And she still does it to this very day. -[[b]play ball[/b]] Once in the field she had When battling Orcs. After killing many of them and them killing many of her comrades it seemed one of them got ahold of a crack grenade. When Anisel saw it grabbing it off of a fallen marine she pulled a metal pole out of the ground and prepared to swing. When the Orc threw the grenade she hit it back at it with a satisfying *tink* then a loud *boom* as she saw Orc giblets fly toward her. She had read about an old sport called base ball in a book once and she remembered something they said after they hit the ball with the pole. She said "Home run" making herself laugh al little. -[[b]the spoils of war[/b]] Anisel was traveling with her squad over an old war zone and she spotted a long dead marine with a snow blade sticking out of his chest, Emperor knows how it got there. So when her squad moved a little further she stayed behind and recovered the sword "no point it letting it sit there" she said to herself as she pulled it out she examined it and saw it had fractures all down the blade but it still had all the teeth, if she were to use it in its current state it would shatter. The she shouldered it and noticed around a dozen more teeth in the snow. She scooped them up in a pouch and cought up with her squad. Once back at base she almost completely remade it. She reforged the blade out of a really strong alloy that has a really high melting and freezing point and made it longer. She kept the teeth for the saw part and used the extra teeth she found since the blade was longer and needed more teeth for the saw. After that she added a superheating mechanism that also allowed her to set her blade on blue fire to allow it to cut even heavier armor. Then she redid the handle with decorations and straps that resembled the sisters of war and fitted a tiny metal skull as the butt of the sword and it turned out awesome. She liked to think of herself as handy. Time with Inquisitor: recently joined under his service. Appearance: [hider=Look] White hair, pale skin, frost blue eyes, 5'7, 135 pounds, she has a slim, athletic, and a well endowed body. Despite having been in many battles she seems happy and a little cute. The right arm and left leg of her armor is painted blood red. The rest of her armor is black. [center][img],%20Artwork,%20Female,%20Sisters%20Of%20Battle.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] 40k knowledge question: Tau: hit em up close. Tyranids: Aim for the big ones. Orks: they have the worst accuracy ever.