Sonja grabbed her radio from her belt and changed the frequency to that of SOLDIER command. [color=fff200]"Command, this is Hunter two six. Mission is a failure. Commander Varomere has been captured. we have very little equipment left. requesting immediate Evacuation of all Remaining agents."[/color] Katya heard exactly what Allison was saying. how could she leave now, after all they'd been through in the past she was just gonna up and leave. "Hey what the hell. you cant just leave, not now not after everything that we've been through. did none of that matter to you at all?" A voice came back over the Radio to Sonja. [color=ed1c24]"Negative Hunter two six. We cannot spare any of our extraction units to get you out of england at this point. We can however give you the location of hidden cache in the area that has a zodiac boat. if your squad can get to that and get into international waters, then we may be able to get a chopper to come and pick up the boat. The cache is on the coast at Weymouth, the helicopter will pick you up at Rousse in Guernsey in a week. Acting as of now Hunter two two, Agent Radcliffe is in command of your Unit. Good luck Hunter two six" [/color]