Day 13: I found a cave today, or maybe it was an old mine? Either way, there was a lake at the bottom, so I now have a good source of water. That is, of course, assuming that there isn't anything in it. I swear I heard scratching, but I couldn't find anything, despite watching it for an hour. Maybe a lizard or some rats got down here and were trying to escape? Either way, I think the stress and the lack of someone to talk to is starting to effect me. I thought I saw a dog on the surface, but when I reached where I saw it it wasn't there, nor were its tracks. I must have scared it away. It hasn't seen a human before, and didn't know that I just wanted to try and train it. Whatever. This looks like a good place to start my village, anyway. Maybe gather some supplies from that old town over there? I guess I should head there tomorrow.