Grandcastrum is the foundation in this land. It is the overseer and the Guardian. One day there was a force that unleashed on the land. They were the Jin. The Jin were forced out of their homeland by the Eskaba, a normally peaceful clan but has recently been causing problems with their enormous army. The Jin invaded with full force they charged across the vally and rushed the walls of Grandcastrum. At first they got the upper hand but as the fight drew on Grandcastrum started gaining back land. Eventually they were pushed back to a few establishments on the Western border and were left there so that Grandcastrum's army could be rebuilt and reinforced with new members. So the annual draft of Boys and Men was established. Every year there is a competition for everyone in Grandcastrum territory to compete. Only the best are recruited and then the recruits are grouped up for Quests and Missions. You are a part of the annual draft this year and you look promising. Map: hard to read. Download and put into the paint app on your computer then zoom to 200%, that helps Please ask me any lore questions and I will gladly answer them CS: [hider=Caracter Sheet] Name: Squires name: Age: Squires Age: Appearance: Squires Appearance: Class(desc. if needed): (Just note here if you have a Squire, Check my CS for Ex. Squire must be 19 or younger and cannot be older than your character) Personality: Squire Personality: Bio: Squire Bio(optional): Weapons/Catalysts: Squire personal Weapons: Anything Noteworthy: (MAY BE EDITED)[/hider]