Mai had finally made it to her room in the barracks. Though on the way, Mai did note something...odd. At first, she saw two white-haired and a male cadets moving around suspiciously but when she saw one of them holding...what she guessed were ingrediants from what she assumed was from the cafeteria, she just assumed it was some harmless "hobby". Course, they could get into trouble if they took those things without authorization. Even household ingrediants could make dangerous weapons if one knew how to do so. But she figured that wasn't the case with the three. So she had just ignored them. They didn't seem to notice her presence anyways. As she entered, she saw two duffelbags on the bed. One of course was relating to one of her "hobbies". The other, standard clothing and other related items. As Mai began unpacking, she thought about the cadets that she saw in the Mai, they didn't "seem" like efficient pilots. But based on who their opponent was as she stated and thought before, they were NOT to be taken lightly. There was alot of collateral damage but they all survived. If someone on their team hadn't, one or more of them would have most likely complained about said cadet or pilot. It seemed, as she guessed before, that the opposing team suffered the only casualties. [i]...they may seem...inefficient...but they either have the devil's luck...or they're all truly survivors...[/i], Mai thought as she continued to unpack and straighten out her room. Then another thought crossed her long will she last in this division? From the very first one she was trained in, she figured she could handle whatever was thrown at her no matter how physical and even mentally "painful" it was. But then that division got disbanded for "cruel training practices". But she knew that was a..."garbage" excuse considering how other divisions sometimes treat their pilots. Then, she just "bounced" around from division to division due to her lack of synenergy and teamwork with fellow pilots. Mai was good but that wasn't what other superior officier's were looking for. She even remembered one reporting that "she works too hard if that's even possible. She'll tire herself out before she even GET'S into a framework's cockpit". That's when..."higher ups" suggested that Mai..."practiced" some hobbies to keep herself in check. From playing dress-up to sewing games...though the only one she willingly did was mechanic's. Just like she was telling cadet Daniel on the shuttle, it was a necessary skill. She personally made sure her framework was ready to go. That was one of the lesson's her first division taught her. But that was a problem for others since that was the job of other assigned mechanic's and engineers to do. Orders were orders. Now here she was...though she wondered how long her personality would rub either Lorenzo or someone else around here before she get transfered again. She only hoped that she didn't have to..."deal" with cadet Nikolas or anyone similar to him. People like him never learned anything until they're "six feet under". [i]" and will be the ultimate motivator...when there's death, people DO pay attention...even when it's too late for the one that's dead..."[/i] That line was one of the lesson's her old instructor told her. With the Cruxi, nothing was of that's wrong. Her instructor had told her that some humans were taken alive at times. If that ever happened to Mai...she was prepare to do what she had to do... Feeling like she had done enough unpacking for now, Mai decided that it was time to shower. Even Mai will admit...if she got thrown out of here, it WON'T be because of bad hygine or because she "smells".