Rin clung to the body of a half unconcious human female that got hit by the hundreds of pounds of water pouring from the broken celing-pool, poorly thought up architecture in Rin's opinion. The soaked body came to life as mist filled her already water filled lungs causing the body to convulse as if drowning, Rin didnt bother to spit up the excess water since she was going to kill her afterwards anyway. Instead she stood there motionless like a mannequin as she felt her hosts low gargles and gasps for air as the apparent "Club Owner" made his debut. She did not recognize him despite his little knowledge of her. The lights grew dark as he approached which gave quite the omonious and powerful presence but She soon realized it was merely the broken pool hitting the power lines. She could be standing in an electrified pool of water right now for all she knew but couldnt care less. The mans words were entertaining at least, almost as entertaining as the club itself, the part where he decided to strike down the DJ slightly upset her since that meant no more music. Maybe she could grab the mix tape they used before everyone dies? She thought... Roman on the other side of the bar as the Host Vampire reached out for the private stock and supposedly poured a glass for Rin and Mithias. Proposing his "Options" to the group like he owned the place... Despite the fact that he did. It didnt give him the right to boss them around. With shotgun now empty he tossed it frustratingly at a nearby mirror crashing it into thousands of tiny pieces. His mind was swimming with emotions and the fact that Mithias gave into his bullshit options made him furious. "Ты чертовски шутишь? Вы серьезно слушать эту лошадь петух? Ты бледен перед Twilight подражатель трахал мистер Арахисовое тростниковый меч шлюх мать." Roman spat at the Vampire as he reached over the bar grabbing the cheapest bottle of Vodka on the shelf. "Are you fucking kidding right now?" He spat at Mithias. Roman walked right up to the Mr. Peanut wannabe and smacked the glass poured for Rin right off the table with the base of his vodka bottle and replaced it with an empty shot glass. Slamming the bottle down and pulling his Makarov out of his Jacket holster. "Mr. Big bad Vampire likes to make options for us huh?" Roman put his face inches away from the owners. Stretching his pistol hand out he fired a shot right between Rin's eyes. Her body fell limp to the ground. "THATS HOW MUCH OF A FUCK I GIVE ABOUT YOUR OPTIONS!" Roman spat right in the mans face. "You want to play the big boss here? Then take responsibility for the ignorant blood suckers that run your club. If it wasnt for them we wouldnt be in this mess." Roman took the Vodka bottle and poured a shot, offering it to the Owner. "Im not leaving here until i get an apology from you-or so help me God i will get all Option five on your pasty white Monopoly looking ass." Roman placed the Makarov by his side at the ready and placed his left on his fathers revolver ready to get at least one shot out before he gets struck down, he didnt care. If the vampire can bleed, it can die... By this time Rin had left her posessed body  behind and snaked her way up to Roman merging together. (Well that was quite rude.) She remarked with a small voice in the back of his head. The ferocity in Romans eyes was only reinforced with the return of Rin's natural "high" she gave him. This meant he was not going to back down until he gets what he wants. They made him shoot through his lucky jacket... His leader was not going to make him slink away like a little bitch after a stunt like that.