[@Belwicket] Here is my character submission Username: 186280 Character Name: Felix 186280 Race: Synthet (Race of synthetically grown humanoids) Gender: [color=f7941d]"What's that?"[/color] (none, but will accept being referred to as him for convenience) Appearance: Looks like a orange, short-haired, humanoid fox(although he doesn't know what that is) that stands at a whopping five feet tall. Felix has blue eyes and wears a loose-fitting beige tunic with a hole for his tail. Personality: Felix is generally happy and energetic, eager to help in what ways he can. He is somewhat quick-tempered and rash, however, which sometimes makes him make bad calls and causes him to snap at some people. He may also have a problem with people of intimidating appearance, and may say things that are somewhat offensive, but that may be the case for everyone. Alignment: Neutral Good Powers: Superhuman agility and speed, claws that can dig into stone, the ability to understand all languages/forms of communication, but not the ability to speak said languages. Abilities: Parkour, diplomacy/conversation, psychology Magic: Can go into a meditative state where he can somewhat identify objects in a 10-foot radius (e.g. he could recognize a magic item as "magic item"), and can also heal minor wounds or stabilize major ones. However, in this state, he is not aware of anything outside said range.