[h1][center][color=007236]Hank Miller[/color][/center][/h1] It had been almost a week since Hank killed the vampire in Nevada. But he had gotten everything he needed from the vampire's friend. Hank was about to finish something that was started 13 years ago. He was going to finally avenge the death of his family. After the brutal torture he preformed a while back he was able to find the vampire that he had shot well in the Marines. Fergus O'Brain. Took Hank much of his later life to find the vampire that had massacred his family. Now he was going to make the dead fuck pay for his actions. To get to him Hank had to travel over seas all the way to Ireland to a small town he had no hope in trying to pronounce. In the far outskirts of the town laid a small shack well in need of repairs. Hank walked up to the shack wearing his trench coat. Underneath it, his .357 magnum, a sawed-off shotgun, his machete, and a folding hatchet. Along with some other odds and ends to make sure this sick bastard paid for what he has done. Hank entered the house with his .357 drawn and ready to fire. Inside it he had an explosive round designed to almost vaporize organic material. Each bullet was worth more then the gun they were loaded in. Hank entered the kitchen where sat what seemed like an old man reading a newspaper. He seemed sick, really sick. "[color=662d91]It's about damn time Hank. What took you so long?[/color]" Hank pulled the hammer back on his gun. "[color=662d91]I ain't gonna run if that's what you think.[/color]" He folded the news paper slowly and set it down. His face was sunken in, his skin was shaded green over his pale tone. Parts of his head and torso looked disfigured like something has tried to rip him apart and put him back together with Elmer's glue. "[color=007236]You're not going to fight? You realize I can here to kill you right?[/color]" Hank still had the gun trained on the vampire's head. "[color=662d91]I'm dead anyways. I might as well clear up my conscience before I kick the bucket.[/color]" All Hank could think was what made a vampire so sick that he no longer worried about death, and wanted to die on a clean slate? "[color=662d91]Come, sit down.[/color]" The fugly vampire spoke. Hank sat down in the chair across from Fergus. The vampire looked even worse up close. Up close hank could see his messed up face, and the effect spreading down tot he torso of the sick old looking vampire. "[color=662d91]Thanks Hank my boy. Now...[/color]" Fergus pulled a string Hank didn't see when he entered. Fergus laughed as Hank turned to see a shotgun sitting behind him. Though instead of the gun going off the hammer hit the gun creating a moment of light as the gunpowder from the shell went off like a sparkler for a solid 5 seconds. "[color=662d91]Well that sucked. I was hoping for more blood.[/color]" Hank turned and pressed the gun to the Fergus's head. "[color=007236]You think this is some damn game you sick demented fuck?[/color]" Hank screamed as the relaxed vampire sat. The Fergus slowly pushed the barrel away from his head. "[color=662d91]What can I say? I was hoping for one last point before I died. I wasn't joking about that part. The way I say it, if I got one more kill in all this pain would be worth it. If it didn't work you'd put me out of my misery with either some fancy blade or some fancy gun.[/color]" He wasn't wrong. Hank had a lot of plans to kill this... thing. "[color=440e62]But what I want to make clear is I ain't the vampire that turned your kid.[/color]" He spoke with a smile. Hank sat back in his chair confused, the gun still trained on Fergus. "[color=662d91]So you don't know? Goody, story time![/color]" He spoke with glee, soon cutting himself off as he started coughing. "[color=662d91]You shot me, and fucked me up pretty badly. So badly I never healed right. You got that one in a million shot boy.[/color]" His smile soon faded. "[color=662d91]Did you know that vampires do get sick? They are just better at fighting it off then humans. But... Every once and while something comes in that has the ability to do some damage. In my case, I got that unlucky one in a million chance of my healing factor fucking up and giving me cancer. Yay me.[/color]" He leaned back looking to the roof. "[color=662d91]In basics, I was so fucked up that I couldn't do much of anything. The tumors were so bad trying to remove the many that had formed by the time I knew what was going on would be impossible. So I called in an old favor.[/color]" He leaned forward. His smile slowly starting to reform. "[color=662d91]I asked an old friend of mine to avenge my coming death by killing off the survivors of your unit one by one. But he went above and beyond! he broke you all. Killed your units, your officers, then your families![/color]" He was laughing at this point. "[color=662d91]He went above and beyond with his job! I was so damn happy I could die!... Only I was already dying.[/color]" Hank was speechless. His target was another vampire? And not only one that has caused the death of his family, but of the families of the other survivors of his unit. And this Prick set it all in motion. Hank leaned forward and pressed the gun so hard against the vampire that his chair rocked for a moment. "[color=007236]You will pay for the damage you have caused Fergus O'Brian.[/color]" Hank pulled the hammer back again, he was going to enjoy the suffering that he would bring upon this... creature. "[color=662d91]Do it! Kill me! End it already you fucking human! Put one right in my head and finish me off before these tumors do![/color]" They were both quiet for a moment. Then Hank slowly put the hammer of his gun back in place and stood up. "[color=662d91]...What... What are you doing?[/color]" Fergus asked the hunter. "[color=007236]Making you suffer for all the damage you have caused.[/color]" Hank started to walk away. "[color=662d91]hey! Don't you fucking leave me like this! Don't leave me like this to rot you fucking asshole![/color]" Fergus screamed. But hank just ignored him. Fergus being desperate for a quick death tried to plead to Hank in a way that only he could provide right now. "[color=662d91]I can save you Hank![/color]" Hank stopped. Fergus smiled. "[color=662d91]That's right. I know what's wrong with you.[/color]" Hank turned to face the dying vampire, still stuck in the chair. "[color=662d91]I can hear your heart skipping beats, it's beating very weakly. Your body is failing on you Hank my boy. But I can save you. I can turn you. Your heart will heal, it will function a hundred times better then in the prime of your life Hank![/color]" Hank simply looked at him with a blank expression. "[color=662d91]You're dying Hank. You're living on borrowed time now. But I can give you the time you need to get your revenge on Erickson.[/color]" Hank still had a blank expression when he spoke. "[color=007236]I have a name. That's enough for me.[/color]" And Hank turned and walked away. Leaving the vampire he crippled to die a slow painful death. "[color=662d91]FUCK YOU HANK! You will PAY for what you have done today! YOU WILL FUCKING SUFFER FAR WORSE THEN ME![/color]" Fergus at one last attempt to get Hank to finish him screamed something that would for sure catch his attention. "[color=662d91]Kathryn's in London! She's killed to. Because you were too weak to finish her off last time you met! Because you didn't have the guts to kill her when she killed your son. When she killed your wife! They're dead because you were too weak to kill her![/color]" Hank gripped the gun tighter now. "[color=007236]I am a lot stronger then I was back then. Next time, I will finish the job.[/color]" Hank continued his walk out. Fergus was left in shock as the old Hunter walked out on him. [h1][center][color=0072bc]Kathryn Miller[/color][/center][/h1] Kathryn was weak at this point. She rarely was in a state strong enough to function beyond walking around and pretending to be fine. But for a vampire, she was weak, she was fading away. She was young for a vampire. She wasn't even old to human standards. The teenage looking girl walked the streets of London to what she believed one of her last hopes of not wasting away. If it came to it, she could easily find someone to feed off. She still feels guilty for doing so, but she was dying from her thirst for blood. She wasn't the best of hunters, but she refused to give up either way. It wasn't hard to find. Despite not being local to the country any vampire who had a decent sense of smell could find the place. Between the blood storage it held, the vampires inside, and the smell of spent sulfur from firearms, it seemed like the place to go for blood. She walked up to the place trying to avoid drawing too much attention to herself as several humans walked out. The sulfur smell seemed to be coming from them primarily. Best to avoid them. She entered the night club to see a mess of was looked like the most intense bar fight ever known to happen. It almost seemed like world war three had just happened and was somehow contained to this one structure. Lots of blood and bodies lay about. Lots of tension still was in the air. Kathryn thought about a lot of her options, but if she didn't get some blood soon she was going to be in trouble. Though she was probably in trouble now.