[hider=Aila Atleo][center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/82f807aa48a5846c6ab6b68a87294385/tumblr_nx02xhDPk31uf1x1eo3_r1_500.gif[/img] [h1][color=#49ad79][b]Aila Atleo[/b] [sup][b]Werewolf | Former Mi’kmaq | Former Epsilon[/b][/sup][/color][/h1] [/center][hr][center][h2][color=#49ad79][u]Basic Information[/u][/color][/h2][/center] [color=#49ad79][b]| Name |[/b][/color] [indent]Aila Atleo[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Date of Birth |[/b][/color] [indent]October 10th 2002 Turned October 10th 2010[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Gender |[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Sexuality |[/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Occupation |[/b][/color] [indent]Burlesque dancer (on a good day) or stripper (on a normal day) in Kahnawake, Quebec for two years Secretary at the Police Department Wants to be a detective[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| In-Depth Appearance |[/b][/color] [indent]Aila is in incredible physical shape for an eighteen year old girl. She has the fitness level approaching that of an Olympic athlete. She has very well defined core and leg muscles and slightly less shoulder and upper arm muscle definition. She has long black hair that reaches her mid to lower back. She will typically either have one large braid that goes down her right shoulder – or she will let it flow completely let down. She usually wears a jacket that her father used to wear, and underneath that a plaid flannel shirt and typically a pair of jeans, weather be damned. Aila sports a pair of winter boots she found in a men’s room at a pit stop on her way to Edgetown and doesn’t own any other shoes. Aila’s body is noticeably scarred, many claw and teeth marks reaching anywhere from her hips to her neck including one rather nasty scar on the side of her throat. She has found that she has a hard time staying out of fights and as such typically has some kind of wound on her face. One notable example is when she was under investigation, just a day after the ‘other’ story came out. She had to reapply a wound twice during the investigation to due to her advanced healing. Her original bite mark is perhaps the most clear scar on her body and it is on her right outer thigh. Aila has orangey brown eyes and larger lips then she enjoys. Though they make for prime biting material. She will sometimes be found wearing a rather simple denim button up shirt. This is notably the only outfit Aila wears when she is attempting to dress up for someone. She doesn’t wear it for a full day very often. [/indent] [hr][center][color=#49ad79][h2][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#49ad79][b]| Personality |[/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Damaged ♦ Anxious ♦ Friendly ♦ Passionate ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Aila is suffering from depression. This is difficult for a variety of reasons, chief of which is her passion. She is easily excited by many things, and likes to talk to people – however due to experiences in her past with the Mi’kmaq tribe of werewolves, she believe herself to be incredibly inadequate at most things. While she can put this worry inside for business, for example performing secretarial duties at a police station. Aila’s depression is heavily linked to her former status as an Epsilon. Turned from the age of eight years old she is heavily defensive and dislikes walking home at night – even though she could physically overpower most potential assailants. Aila’s anxiety is mainly linked to what she believes to be an undiagnosed case of post-traumatic stress. As Aila has been living a life filled with violence and the murder of friends since she was eight years old. Among Canadian Werewolves the Mi’kmaq are regarded as ruthless killers and as Aila was the Epsilon of the pack. When she thinks about her past she tends to numb herself. As such she’s had a hard time keeping friendships. Though that isn’t for a lack of trying, Aila is constantly trying to do little things in an attempt to make friends, but she has a hard time taking credit for them and even when she does finally admit to them she wants to dismiss those actions. Aila has only once been in a relationship and it was unhealthy for her. But something in her soul wants her to find love and she hasn’t stopped looking. She often finds herself fluttering at the call of her name and is rather easily impressionable as far as crushes go. She, however rarely fully commits to acting on her crushes. Typically, she’ll out herself as having a crush on a certain person and immediately afterwards distance herself. Often finding herself staring at the bottom of the bottle maybe on top of a parking garage, maybe at the bottom of a creek, usually alone, wiping tears away. Forgoing further contact is usually the plan of attack from there. Two quirks Aila has is her absolute adoration of spooning (she is the littlest spoon) and dancing. Though she doesn’t get much time to practice either with her lack of relationships and fear that someone may see her dancing. Her joy of dancing comes from her late mother, who was a professional dancer. [/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Likes & Dislikes |[/b][/color] [indent] [color=008800]✔[/color] Warm Clothing [color=008800]✔[/color] Acapella music [color=008800]✔[/color] Tea [color=008800]✔[/color] Nights on the Town [color=008800]✔[/color] Walking at night [color=008800]✔[/color] Dancing [color=008800]✔[/color] Friendships (all those she doesn’t have) [color=008800]✔[/color] Responsibility [color=008800]✔[/color] Helping People [color=008800]✔[/color] Werewolves [color=008800]✔[/color] Sweaters that are too big [color=008800]✔[/color] Low key lighting [color=008800]✔[/color] Cuddling [color=008800]✔[/color] Attention [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Attention [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Tight clothing [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Mean spirited people [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Racists [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Hunters (for animals or otherwise) [color=FF0000]✘[/color] The Mi’kmaq pack [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Birds [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Days without naps [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Ghosts (no ill will – just fear) [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Anyone who is seemingly immortal [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Things she does not understand [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Alleyways [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Walking home alone (even though she does it every day) [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Herself [/indent] [b]| History |[/b] [center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Aila3.gif[/img] [color=#49ad79][h2]“For seventeen years, my world ended at the border of the reserve. Where dirt roads opened up into dreams of things you could never be there.” [/h2][/color][/center] [i]“Tell me Aila, what was it that made you stay in the reserve for as long as you did?”[/i] Aila shifted in her seat, counting the tiles on the floor instead of making eye contact with the therapist. He hands softly kneaded together, squeezing and twisting. [i]“Aila-“[/i] [color=#49ad79]“Family. Mostly.”[/color] [i]“According to my file it says here your family was…”[/i] The therapist made a quick note on his page, it sounded as if he may have circled something. [i]“Dead.”[/i] [color=#49ad79]“Yeah, they’re gone.”[/color] [i]“Maybe you can help me understand Aila, help me see what’s hurting you.”[/i] [color=#49ad79]“You won’t get it, but I’ll give you a shot.”[/color] [color=#49ad79]“For seventeen years, my world ended at the border of the reserve. Where dreams opened up into dreams of things you could never be there. When I was seven years old I woke up one day and my mother was gone. She took her own life – but I didn’t know that until about four years later. When I was seven, my father drunkenly told me she was gone for the day. Then the next. Then the next. Can you believe it took me four years to figure that one out? My dad died the next year. He was murdered by a wolf.”[/color] [i]“There hasn’t been a single reported wolf attack in the history of North America.”[/i] [color=49ad79]“Once more, I’m giving you a shot. You will not understand this story.”[/color] Aila leaned backwards, placing her legs up on the couch. [color=49ad79]“The wolf bit me and it still hurts. Some more wolves adopted me, I ran with them. They told me to hunt, and I hunted. They told me to gather, I gathered. They told me to kill… I slaughtered.”[/color] [i]“I believe I understand, you have taken these figures, that kidnapped you – murdered your father and have turned them into metaphors. Wolves, because they ran in a pack.”[/i] [color=49ad79]“I ran from them, they got me back. I ran again, they got me back. So I knew, if I was to run I would have to kill their leader or give them a deal better than me.”[/color] [color=49ad79]“Leopold Franklin, do you remember April fifteenth 2005? Because the wolves do. I’m sorry.”[/color] Aila stood up, took her jacket and left. She found a car with a driver waiting inside it. She got in and did not look back, as the wolves descended upon their prey. [hr] [color=#49ad79][b]| Family |[/b][/color] [indent]N/A[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Strengths |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Physically she’s powerful on werewolf standards. [*] Initially she makes a good impression [*] Very perceptive [/list] [/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Weaknesses |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Less than zero self confidence [*] Horrible at following up after a good first impression [*] Self-loathing [/list][/indent] [hr][center][color=#49ad79][h2][u]The Other[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#49ad79][b]| Theme Song |[/b][/color] [indent][url= https://youtu.be/c7bsmd3tGxU?t=20]I of The Storm, Of Monsters and Men[/url] [sub]”Are you really going to love me When I'm gone With all my thoughts And all my faults I feel it biting I feel it break my skin So uninviting Are you really going to need me When I'm gone I fear you won't.”[/sub][/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| House Number |[/b][/color] [indent]Faraday Heights 26B[/indent] [color=#49ad79][b]| Extra Information |[/b][/color] [indent]She’s sorry probably.[/indent][/hider] [hider=(Aila's) Relationships] [center][h1][color=#49ad79]Aila Atleo[/color][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/4f64b3c3356215cee153fce53334c345/tumblr_inline_nk57qwcwCu1shttop.gif[/img][/center] [center][color=4169E1][b][u]Blake Preston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yeah she’s really cool, I follow her on YouTube."[/i][/center] I wish I had Blake’s charisma, I really do. That’s an awful thing to say. She seems like a really nice person. [center][color=91c5ab][b][u]Daniel Belson[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I actually live with Danny. I seem him at the bar a lot and he kind of bullies me - but he's nice about his bullying."[/i][/center] Jesus Christ he’s cute. Bit of a dick though. He's cute though. Rooming with him has... Benefits. I pay him and Ethan back by cooking sometimes. If I didn't I worry they wouldn't eat right. [center][color=f9d66c][b][u]Alistair Queen[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I’ve never met him, but I think someone mentioned he owns the bar? That’s pretty cool."[/i][/center] What? Owning bars is cool! [center][color=thistle][b][u]Mariska Costas[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Mariska is own of those people that you see and think ‘if only’ and in more ways than one."[/i][/center] I don’t really know much about her, but she smells like ‘other’. [center][color=plum][b][u]Nikita Yankovsky[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I don’t wanna get stuck in a room with Nikki."[/i][/center] She’s, uh, I think that she is… Uhm, I, yeah. She’s pretty. [center][color=6ecff6][b][u]Mordred Hame[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Comes across as a bit of a dick, but I’m sure that’s just me."[/i][/center] God that was so mean. He’s probably the nicest guy and here I am. Ugh. [center][color=92A9A7][b][u]John Taylor[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I’m saving for a tattoo from John! His art is incredible."[/i][/center] So coooooooool. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrt. Agh! [center][color=#2f556b][b][u]Eve Lumière[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Is she friends with Nikki."[/i][/center] It’s just that… I would assume… Cause y’know… Based on feelings I get when they’re around - and some other people, maybe they’re cousins? [center][color=wheat][b][u]Catharine Reid[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Cara is nice! She’s so in control and that’s so awesome!"[/i][/center] Yeah, I know the smell. But she’s nice, vampires worry me though. [center][color=f26522][b][u]Opallum[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I feel bad."[/i][/center] I hate seeing homeless people. It reminds me too much of home. [center][color=#ff8d00][b][u]Andrew Mordekai[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Never met him."[/i][/center] -Shrugs- [center][color=yellowgreen][b][u]Suriel White[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Wait who?"[/i][/center] -Double shurgs- [center][color=f2f3f4][b][u]Miles Catrose[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I thought I knew more people... Oh wait! The hairdresser! He seems fun!"[/i][/center] Back on track! Yeah he seems like a nice guy. [center][color=baa880][b][u]Yukiko Abe[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yuki? She lives upstairs."[/i][/center] I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t jealous. She took Stef in, she’s a year younger than me. I don’t dislike either of them! I mean I like both of them… I’m just… Jealous I guess – they seem like a family is all. [center][color=a4d1cf][b][u]Mona[/u][/b][/color] [i]"A g-ghost?"[/i][/center] You’re kidding right? [center][color=a392b2][b][u]Faron Romane[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yeah, Faron. I’ve seen him around a couple times now. He’s awesome!"[/i][/center] He’s a nice guy. I really do like him, I’d like to learn more about him. [center][color=khaki][b][u]Nicolas Black[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yeah."[/i][/center] Nick is a good guy, good cop. I don’t think he likes me at all though. I’m not sure what I did but I kinda get the feeling. He’s a werewolf – there’s no doubt about it. If he’s heard about me I don’t… I kind of liked it here I didn’t want to leave so soon. [center][color=BDB76B][b][u]Maggie Spencer-Adyemi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I should buy a plant from her!"[/i][/center] I could use a plant. [center][color=FF8C00][b][u]Megumi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s pretty cute, I saw her going to school once."[/i][/center] I wish I was that cute. [center][color=red][b][u]Stefani Roche[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Stef’s awesome, sometimes I can hear her music through the ceiling and it’s really good."[/i][/center] Okay, I’m basically fucked on this one. A – Vampire, through and through. B – She’s cute. C – I’m incredibly jealous that she’s already become so accepted. I’m the worst. [center][color=3247BA][b][u]Katharine Haynes[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Katie? She’s cu-… Um, Katie is a cuuuuulperit for working at a really good coffee shop?"[/i][/center] [sub]ihatemylifeihatemylifeihatemylife[/sub] [center][color=e5748b][b][u]Felix Underwood[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Saw her once in the elevator I think."[/i][/center] She seems nice. [center][color=B0C4DE][b][u]Elise Callaghan[/u][/b][/color] [i]"So, I feel like, maybe if I’m able to work my words out, I-I, it’s just, uhm she can be… It’s just so tough because, and… Well you could say that..."[/i][/center] It’s the three of them! They’re in on it together! Or I’m just a total loser… They’re not in on it together. [center][color=ffffff][b][u]Claire O'Malley[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I don’t know who Claire is..."[/i][/center] Claire? It sounds so familiar! Maybe not. [center][color=00aeef][b][u]Barachiel Alexander Eamon[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Bara-who?."[/i][/center] Quoi? [center][color=00FF7F][b][u]Ethan Cooper[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Ethan is really nice, sometimes he even manages to pick me up when I'm down."[/i][/center] Ethan is in love with Daniel and I refuse to acknowledge any other reality. He is also cute and it takes all too much brain power in order to not stare sometimes. [center][color=mediumseagreen][b][u]Alfie Liau[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Oh yeah I [s]sniffed[/s] SAW HIM ONCE."[/i][/center] #VampireAlert [center][color=5b83d8][b][u]Astrid Kitchener[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Oh my god that is such a cool name."[/i][/center] I wish I knew her that’s such a cool name. Actually, no this is for the best. I cannot embarrass myself without knowing her. [center][color=76bae0][b][u]Michael[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Whose that? What’s he look lik- holy fuckshit."[/i][/center] He looks like THAT?[/hider] History ain't done yet but that's my progress since a couple of hours ago.