"Troublesome, isn't it?" Lupa Regina coyly whispered into the ear of the fledging that had entered just before her. Gina tilted her head, examining the situation. Yup, a chaos already. And in the middle the man she was seeking to meet, Lord Bedivere. Showing some sort of old-fashioned justice. Which no doubt, would keep them busy. She caught a whiff of the scents. So much gunpodwer and violence. There were some human instigators, and lots of vampires, one of which made her narrow her eyes. [i]One of the traitors who joined the humans. Peh, vampires.[/i] The elder werewolf shrugged, and kept staring at the situation from the door, taking a couple of moments to straighten up her fine leather jacket and dress. The thrashing of the man pinned by one of the olive picks was quickly becoming more an annoyance than an actual amusement. [i]Is this your idea of modern art, Bedivere?[/i] Gina pondered. He probably wasn't to be free any time soon. Her eyes rested on the frail vampire fledging next to her. It looked barely a teenager, a starving one at that. Regina sighed. It had to yank her heart, had she? The old werewolf had a soft spot for defenseless youths. Extending her own hand in front of Kathryn, she deftly made a cut with her nails on her wrist. "Drink up a couple of sips, sweetie. The situation might be go like this for a while." She whispered to the young vampire. "But careful, I'm told my blood is potent and intoxicating." It was then when her nose caught a familiar scent. One that brought memories. Her sight rested on the man who was smoking. [i]Well hello there, lost puppy.[/i] She smirked. She would address this man later, as soon as Bedivere was so kind of finishing his business first.