So I had intended to go one way with this character, and ended up going a totally different way after doing a quick google search for 'innocent devil', once I made it through all of the smut I found references to the Castelvania game series, and while I am aware of them, I have never played them. Apparently, an innocent devil in the game is more or less a golem constructed from evil summoning juju whose primary purpose is defense. I am taking that really boiled down idea and applying it to my character. I will more or less play the golem, and I would have an npc, primarily for flavor that is the summoner/creator of the golem who is to be protected by me. She will be there for interactions and such, but would have basically no role in any combat scenario. The golem doesn't speak, simply makes a gravely grunt sound, which can mean absolutely nothing. Or, rather I play the girl who commangs the golem. Which ever way you want to look at it. [hider=Tarot Card: Innocent Devil] Name: Ein Ragestone Age: 14, or the elvish equivalent of 14. Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Backstory: The daughter of an elvish king who has long ago been deposed of an put into exile. She wanders aimlessly searching for more of her kind, though they are extremely rare outside of their forest kingdom. Beyond this, she has done odd jobs, traveling with her sole companion: Zeke, the Black Obsidian Golem. Abilities: Ein had nearly no powers to speak of, all of her magical energies have been poured into creating, and maintaining Zeke. However, should Zeke be destroyed, she can either create a new golem, or if possible repair and reanimate Zeke. Theme song: TBD Zeke: [img][/img] Zeke is an Obsidian Golem forged from the fires of Dragons Cradle, an ancient volcano that has remained active without erupting for longer then human history. Zeke is supplied with life energy from Ein, if she dies Zeke will first to cease functioning and then will, in short order, crack and return to natural magma and burn anything it touches. Immensly powerful when measuring physical strength, Zeke can lift nearly any weight it can balance, and does not tire while running at full tilt. Extremely durable, designed to protect Princess Ein, it can take a massive amount of abuse. [/hider] I hope this meets your approval. Let me know if you want me to tweak anything.