Mattias picked up Lupa's scent before she even managed to enter the club, but the moment she did, Mattias was set on edge. He [i]knew[/i] that smell from somewhere. He also knew that it made him uneasy. The elder werewolf's sudden appearance coupled with the brutality done unto Roman was agitating him deeply. The werewolf began to take deep steadying breaths between drags of his cigarette. [color=0076a3]"Hey Soldier girl?"[/color] Cigarette drag. Deep breath. [color=0076a3]"We really need to leave."[/color] Drag. Breath. [color=0076a3]"Like, now."[/color] Drag. Breath. [color=0076a3]"Unstick your friend and let's get the hell out of here."[/color] Picking up the sound of Lupa's words had driven Mattias to the brink. Drag. Breath. Drag. Breath. Drag. Breath. He awaited Ashley's reply with great trepidation, tapping his foot rather quickly in contrast to the slow breaths he was attempting to take.